Pengaruh dukungan sosial teman sebaya terhadap motivasi berprestasi pada remaja dengan latar belakang keluarga broken home = The influence of peer’s social support on the achievement motivation of adolescents with a broken home family

Patabang, Riki (2019) Pengaruh dukungan sosial teman sebaya terhadap motivasi berprestasi pada remaja dengan latar belakang keluarga broken home = The influence of peer’s social support on the achievement motivation of adolescents with a broken home family. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Angka perceraian di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan selama 5 tahun berturutturut (2010-2014) berdasarkan data Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI. Perceraian orangtua memberikan dampak pada berbagai aspek kehidupan remaja termasuk aspek akademik. Dalam menghadapi tantangan ini, dibutuhkan dukungan sosial teman sebaya karena remaja cenderung lebih memprioritaskan pergaulan dengan teman sebaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh dukungan sosial teman sebaya terhadap motivasi berprestasi pada remaja dengan latar belakang keluarga broken home. Partisipan pada penelitian ini berjumlah 50 orang. Adapun instrumen penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengukur dukungan sosial teman sebaya yaitu The Social Provisions Scale, sementara Kuesioner Motivasi Berprestasi digunakan untuk mengukur motivasi berprestasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan sosial teman sebaya dengan motivasi berprestasi (rs=.222, p=.121). Adapun gambaran skor rata-rata partisipan yang cenderung tinggi pada kedua variabel dimana pada dukungan sosial teman sebaya (M=64.16) dan motivasi berprestasi (M=65.90). / According to Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI the number of divorces in Indonesia increased for 5 consecutive years (2010-2014). Parents’ divorce impacts various aspects of an adolescent’s life, including academic. In facing that challenge, peers’ social support are needed because adolescents tend to prioritise their association with their peers. The current study aims to examine the influence of peers’ social support on the achievement motivation of adolescents with a broken home family. The participants in the current study were 50 adolescents. The research instrument used to measure peers’ social support was The Social Provisions Scale, and the Achievement Motivation Questionnaire was used to measure achievement motivation. Results shows that there were no significant influence of peers’ social support on the achievement motivation (rs= .222, p=.121). The mean of the participants were more inclined to be high, both for the peers’ social support (M=64.16) as well as for the achievement motivation (M=65.9).
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Patabang, Riki
Thesis advisor
Lidiawati, Krishervina Rani
Additional Information: SK 121-15 PAT p
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dukungan sosial teman sebaya; Motivasi berprestasi; Remaja; Keluarga broken home; peers’ social support; achievement motivation; adolescent; broken home family.
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Psychology > Psychology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Psychology > Psychology
Depositing User: Mr Samuel Noya
Date Deposited: 24 May 2020 10:23
Last Modified: 01 Oct 2021 03:52

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