Desmet, Joseph P, (2020) Kontribusi Southeast Asian (Sea) Games 2011 untuk citra ekonomi dan politik indonesia =The contribution of the 2011 Southeast Asian (SEA) Games to the Indonesian political image and the Indonesian Economy. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.
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Indonesia merdeka pada tahun 1945 dan sejak itu beralih melalui tiga era berbeda di mana setiap era secara kumulatif berkontribusi pada citra politik bangsa. Era pertama yang dikenal sebagai Era Orde Lama melewati periode "demokrasi terpimpin" yang diperintah pemerintah oleh presiden pertama Indonesia, Presiden Sukarno. Sepanjang aturan orde pertama, bangsa Indonesia mengalami ketidakstabilan politik, dan korupsi. Yang mengikuti Era Orde Lama adalah Era Orde Baru. Era Orde Baru juga diperintah oleh pemerintah otoriter, kali ini oleh presiden kedua Indonesia, Presiden Suharto. Selama periode ini orang-orang Indonesia menderita penyensoran berat serta pemerintahan yang korup dan sebagainya. Ketidakpopuleran aturan Orde Baru menyebabkan jatuhnya pemerintahan otoriter Soeharto dan lahirnya era reformasi. Era reformasi adalah era di mana Indonesia menerapkan demokrasi ke dalam pemerintahannya. Era ini mempraktikkan politik terbuka dan liberal serta otonomi yang didesentralisasi ke daerah. Dalam upaya untuk menghapus citra negatif yang terkait dengan era masa lalu, urgensi untuk membentuk kembali citra Indonesia di ranah internasional tumbuh. Karenanya, pemimpin mengupayakan Indonesia untuk lebih terlibat dengan negara-negara lain melalui acara internasional seperti SEA Games 2011. Konstruktivisme digunakan untuk menjelaskan alasan di balik perilaku Indonesia terhadap keinginan merekonstruksi citranya di ranah internasional. Metode penelitian deskriptif digunakan untuk meneliti informasi tentang sebab dan akibat, sebagian besar berfokus pada variabel apa, kapan dan bagaimana topik tersebut. Variabel-variabel seperti dampak ekonomi dan permainan serta dampaknya terhadap citra politik Indonesia adalah variabel-variabel penting untuk dianalisis. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa dampak ekonomi SEA Games sangat bermanfaat bagi ekonomi domestik kota-kota tuan rumah. Temuan dampak pada citra politik Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia dianggap sebagai kontributor yang dapat diandalkan untuk komunitas ASEAN./ Indonesia became independent in 1945 and since then transitioned through three different eras where Each era cumulatively contributed to the nation’s political image. The first era known as the Old Order Era went through a period of “guided democracy” which was government ruled by Indonesia’s first president, President Sukarno. Throughout the first Order Rule, the Indonesian nation endured political instability, and corruption among other things. What followed the Old Order Era was the New Order Era. The New Order Era was also ruled by an authoritarian government, this time by Indonesia’s second president, President Suharto. During this period the Indonesian people suffered from heavy censorship as well as a corrupt government and so forth. The unpopularity of the New Order rule led to the toppling down of Suharto’s authoritarian government and the birth of the reformation era. The reformation era was an era where Indonesia implemented democracy into its government. This era practiced open and liberal politics and decentralized autonomy to the regions. In attempt to eradicate the negative images related to past eras, the urgency for reshaping Indonesia’s image in an international sphere grew. Therefore, leading Indonesia’s attempt of engaging more with other countries through international events such as the 2011 SEA Games. Constructivism is used to explain the reasons behind Indonesia’s behavior towards wanting to reconstruct its image in an international sphere. A descriptive research method is used to research for information about the cause and effect, mostly focused on the what, when and how variables of the topic. Variables such as Economic impact of and the games and the impact on the political image of Indonesia are important variables to analyze. The findings suggest that the economic impact of the games greatly benefited domestic economies of the hosting cities. Findings of the impact on Indonesia’s political image suggest that Indonesia was perceived as a reliable contributor to the ASEAN community.
Item Type: | Thesis (Bachelor) |
Creators: | Creators NIM Email ORCID Desmet, Joseph P, NIM00000024920 UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors: | Contribution Contributors NIDN/NIDK Email Thesis advisor Nasution, Elyzabeth Bonethe NIDN0323048904 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | sports diplomacy; 2011 SEA Games; Indonesia; old order era; new order era; reformation era |
Subjects: | J Political Science > JZ International relations |
Divisions: | University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations |
Depositing User: | Users 4583 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 10 Jun 2020 03:59 |
Last Modified: | 14 Sep 2020 07:32 |
URI: | |