Ruang publik kota sebagai third place yang aman bagi perempuan (studi kasus taman kota Ria Rio) = Urban public space as a safe third place for women (study case Ria Rio city park)

Yoval, Daisy Corleona (2020) Ruang publik kota sebagai third place yang aman bagi perempuan (studi kasus taman kota Ria Rio) = Urban public space as a safe third place for women (study case Ria Rio city park). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Third place adalah sebuah ruang netral yang disediakan agar masyarakat suatu kota dapat berkumpul dan bercengkrama. Sifat netral dimaksud bahwa semua golongan, baik kalangan sosial menengah ke atas maupun kalangan sosial menengah kebawah, laki-laki maupun wanita memiliki akses ke ruang tersebut kapanpun. Namun kenyataannya, third place pada ruang publik kota tidak begitu netral dan cenderung kurang aman bagi perempuan, sehingga sering terjadi diskriminasi pada perempuan. Oleh karena itu, perempuan memilih menghidari ruang publik kota secara keseluruhan atau pada waktu-waktu tertentu, padahal ruang publik kota, third place, disediakan untuk masyarakat agar dapat bisa bercengkrama. Maka muncul pertanyaan penelitian yaitu, terkait dengan kriteria ruang publik kota yang berfungsi sebai third place yang aman bagi perempuan, bagaimana ruang publik kota yang aman sebagai third place dan cara merancangnya. Maka, melalui kajian literatur, ditemukan bahwa menurut Ray Oldenburg terdapat 8 kriteria yang harus dipenuhi sebuah ruang publik kota agar dapat diidentifikasikan sebagai third place. Agar perempuan mau untuk mengunjungi ruang publik kota dan menganggap tempat tersebut sebagai third place, tempat tersebut harus memberikan kesan aman bagi mereka yang dicapai melalui safety design. Safety design terlahir dari persepsi seseorang tentang rasa aman di suatu tempat. Sehingga muncul prinsip safety design secara pasif dan aktif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Taman Kota Ria Rio yang berada di Pulomas, Jakarta Timur. Melalui pengamatan, ditemukan bahwa taman ini sepi pengunjung, dan bila ada, mayoritas pengguna Taman Ria Rio adalah kaum laki-laki. Oleh karena itu, perempuan merasa tidak aman berada di sana. Hal ini diakibatkan minimnya natural surveillance dalam bentuk eyes on the street. Oleh karena itu, konsep desain pada penelitian ini didasarkan pada safety design yang aktif yang menyempurnakan kriteria third place. / Third place is a neutral space that is provided by the government of a city, so that the people would have space to gather and socialize. The neutral manner implies that everyone would have access to the space whenever they wish to, regardless their social status or gender. However, in reality third place in the city public space is not very neutral and has the tendency of being not safe for women, because they often face discrimination there. When third place is supposedly available for every citizen. Therefore, the author came up with research questions, which are related to the criterias of urban public spacesthat acts as a safe third place for women, how urban public spaces act as third place that is safe for women and how to design them. According to the literature study conducted, it is stated by Ray Oldenburg that there are 8 criterias needed to be fulfilled in order for a space to be considered as third place. To attract women to visit a public space and consider it as a third place, that space ought to give sense of security and safety, which could be achieved by applying safety design principles. Safety design is the product of perception of an individual about a place, which then branched as passive safety design and active safety design. This research is conducted in Ria Rio City Park, which is located in Pulomas, East Jakarta. Through the writer’s observation, it is found that the park haslack of visitors. If there were any, the majority of its visitors are men. Therefore, women tend to feel unsafe there. This is caused by the lack of eyes on the street. Therefore, the foundation of the design concept is active safety design that contributes to the fulfillment of third place criterias.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Yoval, Daisy Corleona
Thesis advisor
Prakoso, Susinety
Uncontrolled Keywords: ruang publik; third place; aman; perempuan
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Users 4619 not found.
Date Deposited: 03 Jul 2020 00:59
Last Modified: 04 Aug 2020 07:40

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