Perancangan lintasan mobile robot dengan metode tangent bug like = Tangent bug like path planning method on mobile robot

Wijaya, William (2018) Perancangan lintasan mobile robot dengan metode tangent bug like = Tangent bug like path planning method on mobile robot. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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The development of the logistic robot technology has enormously improved in the last decades. Among other things is the technical aspect of mapping a path plan for a robot in order to reach any preset goal in a short period of time. One of the available methods is Tangent Bug path planning which consists of two sub algorithms, i.e. motion planning and boundary following. The robot can navigate autonomously throughout the obstacles until it reaches the final destination. In this final year project, a robot system has been built with an Arduino Mega microcontroller as the main controller. The robot is mounted with two DC motors including the encoders, Bluetooth as a tool to send data from serial to handphone and several sensors, such as ultrasonic sensor, line sensor, and compass, in order to implement a method similar to Tangent Bug, which is referred to in this report as Tangent Bug Like method. According to the result obtained from a number of experiments, the robot can navigate successfully through different obstacles configurations with Tangent Bug Like method. Furthermore, the testing result gained from the ultrasonic sensor reading shows approximately a 5 cm error, while the line sensor reading gives a 0% error. The robot is also successfully able to change lane by the assistance of the compass sensor used. Lastly, in the situation where there is no obstacle set on the path, the robot is able to reach the goal at 6 deviation. / Perkembangan teknologi robot logistik saat ini telah mengalami kemajuan yang pesat. Salah satu perkembangan ini adalah kemampuan robot bergerak untuk memetakan lintasan agar robot dapat mencapai tujuan dalam waktu singkat. Salah satu cara perancangan lintasan adalah metode Tangent Bug yang meliputi algoritma Motion Planning dan Boundary Following untuk melakukan navigasi secara swatantra (autonomous) sampai ke tempat tujuan, terlepas dari rintangan yang ada. Pada proyek Tugas Akhir ini telah dibuat sebuah sistem robot berbasis mikrokontroler Arduino Mega sebagai pusat pengendali. Robot dilengkapi dengan dua buah motor DC beserta enkodernya, Bluetooth digunakan untuk mengirimkan data serial ke perangkat telepon genggam dan beberapa sensor, seperti sensor ultrasonic HC-SR04, sensor garis TCRT-5000 dan kompas HMC5883L, untuk mengimplementasi algoritma motion planning dan boundary following yang serupa dalam Tangent Bug. Dalam laporan ini metode dimaksud dikenali sebagai Tangent Bug Like. Dari eksperimen yang dilakukan robot berhasil menelusuri konfigurasi penghalang yang berbeda-beda dengan metode Tangent Bug Like. Lebih lanjut, hasil pembacaan jarak menggunakan sensor ultrasonik memberi galat pembacaan sebesar 5 cm; sementara galat pembacaan dari sensor garis adalah sebesar 0%. Robot juga berhasil berpindah jalur berdasarkan bantuan sensor kompas. Dalam situasi tanpa penghalang sepanjang jalur lintasannya, robot dapat berjalan lurus mencapai tujuan namun dengan penyimpangan sebesar 6 dari titik tujuan.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Wijaya, William
Thesis advisor
Tjahyadi, Hendra
Thesis advisor
Mitra, Aditya Rama
Additional Information: SK 83-14 WIJ p 2018; 31001000241050
Uncontrolled Keywords: tangent bug like; mobile robot; path planning; arduino
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK7885-7895 Computer engineering. Computer hardware
Divisions: University Subject > Historic > Faculty/School > Computer System Engineering
Historic > Faculty/School > Computer System Engineering
Depositing User: Users 17 not found.
Date Deposited: 03 Jul 2020 01:41
Last Modified: 12 Oct 2021 07:46

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