Kepentingan politik luar negeri Indonesia dalam mempromosikan identitas Islam moderat pasca reformasi

Bayhaki, Reza Audiyan (2020) Kepentingan politik luar negeri Indonesia dalam mempromosikan identitas Islam moderat pasca reformasi. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Perkembangan golongan Islam pasca kemerdekaan hingga saat ini, terus mengalami dinamika pasang surut dalam menempatkan posisinya dilingkungan masyarakat hingga elit pemerintahan. Akibat dari banyaknya kelompok-kelompok Islam yang menjadikan Islam hanya sebagai tunggangan kekuasaan, telah mencederai Islam Indonesia yang dikenal dunia akan keragaman dan keberagamaannya atas wajah Islam moderat sebagai jati diri masyarakat Indonesia. Terlebih dengan pertumbuhan teknologi informasi era globalisai. Hal ini mendorong terjadinya pencampuran antar budaya di seluruh dunia.. Pasca terjadinya war on terror yang melanda Amerika Serikat (AS) perhatian dunia terhadap Islam mencapai puncak kekhawatirannya, hingga menimbulkan perspektif negatif Islamophobia (ketakutan terhadap Islam), Islam dipandang sebagai agama radikal, teroris, anti-toleransi, dan ancaman dunia. Disamping itu, Indonesia muncul dengan identitas Islam moderat yang akan menjawab keraguan dunia akan Islam, wajah Islam Indonesia yang dikenal ramah, santun, dan toleransi dalam keragaman kultur budaya, dapat dijadikan contoh dunia khususnya negara-negara Barat dan negara Islam, bahwa Islam bisa berkembang dan beradaptasi disetiap zaman yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode konstruktivisme melalui penelitian historikal komtemporer sebagai identitas masyarakat Indonesia. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan data primer dan sekunder, yaitu melalui wawancara kepada narasumber terkait Identitas Islam moderat Indonesia, serta data sekunder berupa studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Islam Indonesia dengan wajah moderat dapat memimpin dunia Islam menerima pembaruan dunia modern, serta Indoensia diharapkan bisa mampu menunjukan identitas Islam sesungguhnya kepada dunia internasional, maka dengan begitu, Indonesia menjadi harapan dunia dalam kontribusinya mewujudkan perdamaian dunia melalui identitas Islam moderat Indonesia. / The development of the Islamic group after independence until now, continues to experience tidal dynamics in placing its position in the community to the elite government. As a result of the many Islamic groups that make Islam only as a mount of power, has injured Indonesian Islam which is known to the world for its diversity and diversity on the face of moderate Islam as the identity of Indonesian people. Especially with the growth of information technology in the global era. This encourages mixing between cultures around the world. After the war on terror that struck the United States (US) the world's attention towards Islam reached its peak of concern, giving rise to a negative perspective of Islamophobia (fear of Islam), Islam is seen as a radical religion, terrorist, anti-tolerance, and world threat. Besides that, Indonesia emerged with a moderate Islamic identity that would answer the world's doubts about Islam, the face of Indonesian Islam which was known to be friendly, polite, and tolerant in the diversity of cultural cultures, could be used as an example of the world, especially Western countries and Islamic countries, that Islam could develop and adapt every different era. This study uses a qualitative approach with the method of constructivism through contemporary historical research as the identity of the Indonesian people. Research data collection was carried out with primary and secondary data, namely through interviews with informants related to the moderate Islamic Identity of Indonesia, as well as secondary data in the form of literature and documentation studies. The results showed that Indonesian Islam with a moderate face could lead the Islamic world to receive the renewal of the modern world, and Indonesia was expected to able to show the true identity of Islam to the international world, thus, Indonesia becomes the world's hope in its contribution to achieving world peace through Indonesia's moderate Islamic identity.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Bayhaki, Reza Audiyan
Thesis advisor
Daulay, Richard
Additional Information: T 88-17 BAY k
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Master of International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Master of International Relations
Depositing User: Users 8612 not found.
Date Deposited: 01 Aug 2020 07:31
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2021 07:25

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