Penerapan metode Time Token untuk meningkatkan keaktifan siswa kelas VII pada mata pelajaran IPS di sekolah XWZ Ambon = The implementation of time token method to increase the activeness of grade VII students in social class at xwz school in Ambon

Dobbo, Frida Ratu (2015) Penerapan metode Time Token untuk meningkatkan keaktifan siswa kelas VII pada mata pelajaran IPS di sekolah XWZ Ambon = The implementation of time token method to increase the activeness of grade VII students in social class at xwz school in Ambon. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

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Keaktifan siswa ditandai dengan adanya interaksi antara guru dan siswa maupun siswa dengan siswa lain secara merata. Namun, realitanya dalam pembelajaran IPS yang peneliti amati terlihat beberapa siswa yang mendominasi dalam pembelajaran. Hal ini menujukan bahwa belum sepenuhnya siswa telibat aktif saat pembelajaran berlangsung. Dengan demikian untuk mengatasi kondisi tersebut, maka peneliti menggunakan metode time token untuk membantu siswa mengingkatkan keaktifan siswa di dalam kelas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) model Kemmis dan McTaggart yang berlangsung dalam tiga siklus, dari tanggal 23 Oktober 2014 hingga 30 Oktober 2014. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan antara lain kuisioner siswa, check-list guru mentor, wawancara dan jurnal refleksi serta umpan balik guru mentor sebagai data pendukung. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan subjek penelitian siswa kelas VII yang berjumlah 31 orang pada salah satu sekolah XWZ di Ambon. Penelitian berlangsung Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa metode time token dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa. Hal ini dapat dilihat melalui peningkatan keberhasilan setiap indikator. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode time token dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa kelas VII pada mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu. / The students activeness is marked by the intruction between the teacher and the students, as well as the intruction between the students and their peers in general. Howevers, the fact that the researcher observed in social class was only several students, who were active during the learning activity. It showed that not all of the students were being active during the learning activity. By seing this reality, the researcher decided to use time token method to help the students to increase their activeness in the classroom. The reseacher method that used is Class Action Research (CAR). Kemmis & McTaggart model, which was held in 3 cycles. They started from October 23th 2014 to October 30th 2014. There were also several instruments that used, they were students questionaire, teacher-mentor check list, interview, reflection journal, and qualitatif-descriptive analysis, with the research subject from grade VII students in total, in one of school in Ambon. The research result showed that time token method was successfully increasing the students activeness. It could be seen from the success achievement of each indicator. By this research, it can be conduded that time token method is able to increase the activeness of grade VII students in general social class.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Dobbo, Frida RatuNIM40720110007UNSPECIFIED
Thesis advisorSeleky, Jacob
Additional Information: CD SK 407-11 DOB p ; T 92646
Uncontrolled Keywords: time token; keaktifan; time token; activeness.
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Economics Education
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Economics Education
Depositing User: Mrs Veronica Fitri Astuti
Date Deposited: 03 May 2021 03:52
Last Modified: 13 Sep 2024 07:47

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