Kajian pustaka: metode dan cara penurunan kadar alkohol pada wine dan fruitwine = Literature review: methods of reducing alcohol levels in wine and fruitwine

Adinda, Jennifer (2022) Kajian pustaka: metode dan cara penurunan kadar alkohol pada wine dan fruitwine = Literature review: methods of reducing alcohol levels in wine and fruitwine. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Wine adalah minuman beralkohol hasil fermentasi sari buah yang telah lama dikenal oleh masyarakat. Wine rendah alkohol adalah wine dengan kadar alkohol <10,5% (v/v) yang diketahui memiliki manfaat bagi kesehatan dan memiliki sensori yang baik. Wine rendah alkohol dihasilkan dengan teknik dealkoholisasi yang terdiri atas teknik viticultural, pre-fermentation, fermentation, dan post- fermentation. Peningkatan konsumsi dan popularitas wine rendah alkohol, keunggulan, dan dampak positif mengonsumsi wine rendah alkohol mengharuskan industri wine untuk menemukan teknik dealkoholisasi yang tepat. Tujuan dari kajian pustaka ini adalah mengkaji, menganalisis, dan membandingkan berbagai cara penurunan kadar alkohol pada wine dan fruitwine serta pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik produk akhir. Metode membrane process, yaitu reverse osmosis dan osmotic distillation dapat menurunkan kadar alkohol hingga ±5% (v/v), sedangkan teknik High Power Ultrasound dapat menurunkan kadar alkohol sebanyak 15% lebih rendah dari kontrol. Penggunaan beberapa khamir non-Saccharomyces dilanjutkan dengan S. cerevisiae dan penggunaan kefir culture berpotensi menghasilkan wine rendah alkohol yang disukai oleh panelis. Pencampuran bahan baku dapat menurunkan kadar alkohol, namun tergantung dari bahan baku yang digunakan dan perlakuan yang dilakukan. Peningkatan suhu, aerasi, dan SO2 dapat menurunkan kadar alkohol, sedangkan lama fermentasi meningkatkan kadar alkohol. Penggunaan kefir culture dan khamir non-Saccharomyces, M. pulcherrima, terpilih sebagai cara penurunan kadar alkohol yang menghasilkan wine dan fruitwine dengan karakteristik terbaik. / Wine is a fermented alcoholic beverage from fruit juice that has been known to the public for a long time. Low alcohol wine is wine with an alcohol content of <10,5% (v/v) which is known to have health benefits and has good sensory properties. Low alcohol wine is produced by a dealcoholization technique consisting of viticultural, pre-fermentation, fermentation, and post fermentation techniques. The increasing consumption and popularity of low alcohol wine, the advantages, and the health benefits of consuming low alcohol wine require the wine industry to find appropriate dealcoholization techniques. The purpose of this literature review was to study, analyze, and compare various ways to reduce alcohol levels in wine and fruitwine as well as their effects on the characteristics of the final product. The membrane process method, namely reverse osmosis and osmotic distillation, can reduce the alcohol content up to ±5% (v/v), while the High Power Ultrasound technique can reduce the alcohol content by 15% lower than control. The use of several non-Saccharomyces yeasts followed by S. cerevisiae and the use of kefir culture have the potential to produce low alcohol wine that are favored by the panelists. Mixing raw materials can reduce the alcohol content, but it depends on the raw materials used and the treatment carried out in the study. Increasing temperature, aeration, and SO2 can reduce the alcohol content, while fermentation time increases the alcohol content. The use of kefir culture and non-Saccharomyces yeast, M. pulcherrima, was chosen as the best way to reduce alcohol content that based on characteristics of wine and fruitwine obtained.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Adinda, Jennifer
Thesis advisor
Cornelia, Melanie
Thesis advisor
Halim, Yuniwaty
Uncontrolled Keywords: alkohol; dealkoholisasi; fruitwine; wine; wine rendah alkohol
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > TP Chemical technology
T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP368-456 Food processing and manufacture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Food Technology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Food Technology
Depositing User: Users 6877 not found.
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2022 09:10
Last Modified: 15 Feb 2022 09:10
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/46239

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