Pengaruh strategi promosi dan kualitas produk terhadap keterlibatan pelanggan pada pelanggan starbucks di Jabodetabek

Felicia, Vern and Liman, Eonike Santoso (2023) Pengaruh strategi promosi dan kualitas produk terhadap keterlibatan pelanggan pada pelanggan starbucks di Jabodetabek. Bachelor thesis, UnIVERSITAS PELITA HARAPAN.

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Keterlibatan pelanggan adalah intensitas keterlibatan konsumen dan hubungan dengan penawaran organisasi dan/atau kegiatan terorganisir. Dalam meningkatkan keterlibatan pelanggan sebuah perusahaan perlu melakukan beberapa upaya, antara lain; strategi promosi dan kualitas produk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh strategi promosi berupa ikonik Indonesia dan kualitas produk berupa biji kopi Sumatera Utara terhadap keterlibatan pelanggan di Starbucks area Jabodetabek. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif untuk menguji hipotesis yang telah dirancang. Tahapan pada penelitian ini dimulai dari kajian teoritis pada penelitian terdahulu, dilanjutkan dengan penyebaran kuesioner kepada pelanggan Starbucks di area Jabodetabek. Kemudian disertakan juga pengolahan data hasil kuesioner yang telah diperoleh. Berdasarkan hasil uji pengaruh menunjukkan bahwa pningkatan keterlibatan pelanggan di Starbucks area Jabodetabek dipengaruhi positif dan signifikan oleh strategi promosi dan kualitas produk. Dengan hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan dapat menjadi pedoman bagi pelaku usaha kopi lokal dalam mengembangkan strategi promosi dan kualitas produk yang terkait dengan budaya dan pariwisata Indonesia. / Customer engagement is the relationship with an organization's offerings and/or organized activities. In increasing customer engagement, a company needs to make several efforts, including promotion strategy and product quality. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of promotional strategies in the form of Indonesian iconic and product quality in the form of North Sumatra coffee beans on customer engagement at Starbucks in Jabodetabek area. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach to test the hypotheses that have been designed. The stages in this study started with theoretical studies on previous research, followed by distributing questionnaires to Starbucks customers in Jabodetabek area. Then also included the data processing of the results of the questionnaire that has been obtained. Based on the results of the influence test, it shows that the increase in customer engagement at the Starbucks Jabodetabek area is positively and significantly influenced by the promotion strategy and product quality. With the results of this research, it is hoped that it can become a guideline for local coffee entrepreneurs in developing promotion strategies and product quality related to Indonesian culture and tourism.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Liman, Eonike
Thesis advisorkusumo, H.K
Uncontrolled Keywords: keterlibatan pelanggan ; kualitas produk ; strategi pemasaran ; promosi ; pariwisata indonesia
Subjects: T Technology > TX Home economics > TX 901-953 Hospitality Industry
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Tourism > Hotel Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Tourism > Hotel Management
Depositing User: Vern Felicia
Date Deposited: 01 Feb 2023 02:42
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2023 06:14

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