Okbriani, Venny (2020) The influence of job satisfaction towards employee performance at Uncle K Medan. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.
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The problems in this research is employee competence that is not appropriate to his job. In this case employees are often assigned to do work that is not their field. Examples that can be taken such as the waitress is assigned to be a chef, the chef is also often assigned to be a bartender, the bartender field is also assigned to become a chef to cook the food menu ordered. Also, some employees complained about working hours that exceed 8 hours in each shift, company policies that do not support the convenience of working such as salaries that are considered to be incompatible with working hours. According to Sujitra (2015), employee job satisfaction simultaneously influences to employee job performance with the acceptance of hyphotesis. The research types by the writer are descriptive research and causal study with sampling tehnicque using random sampling and with saturated sampling method. Data analysis methods used in this research are descriptive statistic, validity test, reliability test, normality test, linearity test, heteroscedasticity test, coefficient of determination, multiple linear regression equation, and t-test. Regression test result Y = 5,706 + 0,855 X, determination test result 0,705 means that the 70,5% of job satisfaction had influence to employee performance. T-test result follows results partially obtained t count value of 11,038 with a significant value of 0,000. T count > t table or 11,038 > 2,007, and significance <0.05, Ha hyphothesis is accepted, meaning job satisfaction has significant influence on employee performance. Based on the findings, the recommendation for Uncle K Medan Medan especially in the Sun Plaza branch should pay more attention to employee job satisfaction. Things that can be done to increase job satisfaction such as providing incentives to employees who are able to meet service standards well. Besides that, it can also be applied awards to outstanding employees so that employees have better job satisfaction. / Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah kompetensi karyawan yang tidak sesuai dengan pekerjaannya. Dalam hal ini karyawan sering ditugaskan untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang bukan bidangnya. Contoh yang bisa diambil seperti pelayan yang ditugaskan menjadi koki, koki juga sering ditugaskan menjadi bartender, ladang bartender juga ditugaskan menjadi koki untuk memasak menu makanan yang dipesan. Juga, beberapa karyawan mengeluh tentang jam kerja yang melebihi 8 jam di setiap shift, kebijakan perusahaan yang tidak mendukung kenyamanan kerja seperti gaji yang dianggap tidak sesuai dengan jam kerja. Menurut Sujitra (2015), kepuasan kerja karyawan secara simultan mempengaruhi kinerja pekerjaan karyawan dengan menerima hipotesis. Jenis penelitian yang penulis lakukan adalah penelitian deskriptif dan studi kausal dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode random sampling dan metode sampling jenuh. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif, uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji normalitas, uji linieritas, uji heteroskedastisitas, koefisien determinasi, persamaan regresi linier berganda, dan uji-t. Hasil uji regresi Y = 5,706 + 0,855 X, hasil uji determinasi 0,705 berarti bahwa 70,5% kepuasan kerja mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan. Hasil uji-T sebagian mengikuti hasil yang diperoleh nilai t sebesar 11,038 dengan nilai signifikan 0,000. T hitung> t tabel atau 11,038> 2,007, dan signifikansi <0,05, hipotesis Ha diterima, artinya kepuasan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Berdasarkan temuan ini, rekomendasi untuk Uncle K Medan Medan, terutama di cabang Sun Plaza, harus lebih memperhatikan kepuasan kerja karyawan. Hal-hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan kerja seperti memberikan insentif kepada karyawan yang mampu memenuhi standar layanan dengan baik. Selain itu, penghargaan juga dapat diterapkan pada karyawan berprestasi sehingga karyawan memiliki kepuasan kerja yang lebih baik.
Item Type: | Thesis (Bachelor) |
Creators: | Creators NIM Email ORCID Okbriani, Venny NIM00000015859 vennyokbriani@gmail.com UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors: | Contribution Contributors NIDN/NIDK Email Thesis advisor Putra, Ali Syah NIDN0108128102 ali.putra@lecturer.uph.edu |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | job satisfaction; employee performance; Uncle K Medan |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management |
Divisions: | University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management |
Depositing User: | Users 9079 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 17 Aug 2020 05:34 |
Last Modified: | 17 Jan 2022 09:12 |
URI: | http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/10452 |