Analisis pengaruh senses, interior design, signage, facilities, atmospherics, staff, other visitor’s behaviour, the visitor himself/herself, terhadap customer loyalty melalui emotions dan satisfaction pada pelanggan Watsons di Surabaya = Analysis of senses, interior design, signage, facilities, atmospherics, staff, other visitor’s behaviour, the visitor himself/herself, on customer loyalty through emotions and satisfaction on customer Watsons in Surabaya

Chandra, Moudy Renata (2020) Analisis pengaruh senses, interior design, signage, facilities, atmospherics, staff, other visitor’s behaviour, the visitor himself/herself, terhadap customer loyalty melalui emotions dan satisfaction pada pelanggan Watsons di Surabaya = Analysis of senses, interior design, signage, facilities, atmospherics, staff, other visitor’s behaviour, the visitor himself/herself, on customer loyalty through emotions and satisfaction on customer Watsons in Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Industri ritel berperan penting dalam dunia bisnis. Bisnis ritel secara umum memiliki berbagai jenis, salah satu diantaranya yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah specialty store, seperti drug store. Pada era globalisasi akan banyak perubahan-perubahan yang terus menerus terjadi. Pada tahun 2017, industri ritel di Indonesia mengalami kelesuhan dan cenderung mengalami penurunan, dimana kelesuhan tersebut berdampak pada penurunan penjualan yang diterima oleh beberapa perusahaan ritel di Indonesia. Salah satu perusahaan yang berhasil beradaptasi dan menyesuaikan strateginya dengan keadaan yang telah terjadi adalah PT. Duta Intidaya Tbk. (DAYA) pengelola jaringan Watsons Indonesia. Watsons merupakan ritel produk kesehatan dan kecantikan terkemuka di Asia yang mengoperasikan 7500 toko ritel dan 1500 toko ritel farmasi di pasar Asia dan Eropa, termasuk Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh Senses, Interior Design, Signage, Facilities, Atmospherics, Staff, Other Visitor’s Behaviour, dan The Visitor Himself/Herself terhadap Customer Loyalty melalui Emotions. Dan penelitian ini mengharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat dalam menambah pengetahuan dalam bidang manajemen, terutama seberapa besar pengaruh yang dimiliki Emotions dalam meningkatkan Customer Loyalty yang kemudian akan meningkatkan penjualan dari Watsons. Penelitian kausal dan metode kuantitatif akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan melakukan pengolahan data pada aplikasi AMOS versi 22.0. Data akan dikumpulkan dengan melakukan pengedaran kuesioner terhadap 200 responden dengan karakteristik pria dan wanita berusia 18 - 60 tahun, bertempat tinggal di Surabaya, serta minimal pernah membeli di toko offline Watsons sebanyak 2 kali dalam 3 bulan terakhir. Pada penelitian ini hasil menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Emotions adalah Senses, Interior Design, Signage, Atmospherics, Staff, The Visitor Himself/Herself dan yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan adalah Facilities dan Other Visitor’s Behaviour. Kemudian Emotions berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Satisfaction dan Satisfaction berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Customer Loyalty / The retail industry plays an important role in the business world. In general, the retail business has various types, one of which will be discussed in this research is specialty stores, such as drug stores. In the era of globalization, many changes will continue to occur. In 2017, the retail industry in Indonesia experienced complaints and tended to decline, where these complaints had an impact on the decline in sales received by several retail companies in Indonesia. One company that has successfully adapted and adjusted its strategy to the circumstances that have occurred is PT. Duta Intidaya Tbk. (DAYA) the manager of the Watsons Indonesia network. Watsons is the leading health and beauty product retailer in Asia which operates 7500 retail stores and 1500 pharmaceutical retail stores in the Asian and European markets, including Indonesia. This study aims to analyze how the influence of Senses, Interior Design, Signage, Facilities, Atmospherics, Staff, Other Visitor's Behavior, and The Visitor Himself / Herself on Customer Loyalty through Emotions. And this study hopes to provide benefits in increasing knowledge in the field of management, especially how much influence Emotions has in increasing Customer Loyalty which will then increase sales from Watsons. Causal research and quantitative methods will be used in this study by processing data in the AMOS version 22.0 application. Data will be collected by distributing questionnaires to 200 respondents with the characteristics of men and women aged 18-60 years, residing in Surabaya, and at least having bought atstore offline Watsons2 times in the last 3 months. In this study the results indicate that the variables that have a significant positive effect on Emotions are Senses, Interior Design, Signage, Atmospherics, Staff, The Visitor Himself / Herself and those that do not have a significant effect are Facilities and Other Visitor's Behavior. Then Emotions has a significant positive effect on Satisfaction and Satisfaction has a significant positive effect on Customer Loyalty.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Chandra, Moudy Renata
Thesis advisor
Ronald, Ronald
Thesis advisor
Amelia, Amelia
Uncontrolled Keywords: senses; interior design; signage; facilities; atmospherics; staff; other visitor's behaviour; the visitor himself/herself; emotions; satisfaction; customer loyalty
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Users 4696 not found.
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2020 03:52
Last Modified: 28 Oct 2020 03:52

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