Analisis dan desain talent manajemen serta pengembangan kompetensi inti pada Bank Indonesia

Dewi, Anitya (2015) Analisis dan desain talent manajemen serta pengembangan kompetensi inti pada Bank Indonesia. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Di era global, organisasi harus mampu menghadapi persaingan, tantangan dan tuntutan perubahan yang cepat dan terus menerus antara lain melalui talent management. Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang berkualitas dengan talenta baru diperlukan guna mencapai keberhasilan tujuan organisasi baik jangka pendek maupun panjang. Para talent sebagai suksesor akan melakukan yang terbaik bagi organisasi dan begitu pula sebaliknya organisasi senantiasa berupaya untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kualitas para talent melalui berbagai program pengembangannya. Pengembangan talent secara eksplisit harus selaras dengan perencanaan strategis organisasi guna menentukan karakter dan kompetensi dari kader-kader pemimpin yang dibutuhkan organisasi di masa mendatang. Karena itu proses ini juga perlu didukung oleh manajemen dalam pelaksanaannya. Sistem pengembangan talent yang telah tepat dapat dilihat hasilnya dan dapat diukur tingkat keberhasilannya karena berdampak langsung pada pencapaian bisnis. Selain itu, sistem yang tepat juga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi akan pemimpin-pemimpin yang handal di masa mendatang. Organisasi mengidentifikasi posisi kritikal menuju future leader untuk memastikan rantai pasokan dari suatu level ke level yang lebih tinggi dapat berjalan lancar dan berkesinambungan. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui (1) Core Competency sudah sesuai dengan misi dan visi (2) diketahui klasifikasi pegawai yang telah memahami, melaksanakan, menyampaikan, mendorong dan diakui ide-idenya dan sebagai role model atas core competency definition (3) diketahui pegawai yang memiliki core competency GEE, EE, ME, BE dan GBE serta Potensi pegawai : Sangat Potensial (U); bisa dipromosikan (P), biasa (LR), kurang dan kurang sekali (NP). (4) Pengembangan bagi para talent (5) Karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi kepemimpinan kosong di atasnya (6) talent mapping dan rangking greed. Selanjutnya, untuk penelitian selanjutnya disarankan agar mencakup system dan teknologi sehingga diharapkan menjadi system talent management yang terintegrasi / Incessant rapid environmental changes, increasing competition, and rapidly changing organization demands have become the standard backdrop for organizations in the face of global competition. Sustained competitive advantage could be generated from a firm’s human capital by designing strategic human resource management to diagnose a firm’s strategic needs. One of the strategies in addressing these challenges is through Talent Management. Organizations know that they must have the best talent in order to succeed in the hypercompetitive and increasingly complex global economy to achieve their short and long-term operational goals. The talent as a successor will perform their best for the organization and in return, organization strives to maintain and improve the quality of the talent through various learning and development programs. Talent development must explicitly align with the organization's strategic plan to determine the character and competency of cadres of leaders needed in future. Therefore, this strategy needs support and endorsement from management in its implementation. Successful talent development system can be measured through its impact on business performance. In addition, the right system can also meet the organization’s needs to have successors for its future leaders. Organizations identify critical position for its future leaders to ensure sustainable supply chain of successors for a certain level to a higher level that can run smoothly and continuously. Results of this research identifies that (1) Core Competency has been consistently align with the mission and vision (2) It has been identified classification of employees who have understand , implement , deliver, promote the core competency and have their ideas acknowledged. These employees stand as a role model on core competency definition (3) It has been identified employees who demonstrate core competency: GEE has, EE , ME , BE and GBE as well as Potential employees: Strong Potential ( U ) ; promotable ( P ) , average ( LR ), below average ( NP ), (4) Development for the talent (5) Employees who are ready to move into higher level of vacant leadership (6) talent mapping and greed ranking. It is recommended that the next research covers systems and technology that is expected to become an integrated talent management systems
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Dewi, Anitya
Thesis advisor
Huliselan, Juanna Judith
Additional Information: KP 19-12 DEW a
Uncontrolled Keywords: core competency ; core competency definition ; talent competency assessment ; talent competency guide ; talent bench strength dan employee ranking greed
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Business School > Master of Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Business School > Master of Management
Depositing User: Users 18 not found.
Date Deposited: 02 Mar 2021 02:23
Last Modified: 05 Jul 2022 04:52

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