Pencegahan penggunaan produk palsu relay my melalui kepemimpinan transformasional untuk mengurangi shrinkage

Gunawan, Rudy (2018) Pencegahan penggunaan produk palsu relay my melalui kepemimpinan transformasional untuk mengurangi shrinkage. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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The purpose of writing this term paper is to examine: 1) Efforts made by PT.Omron Electronics to prevent the use of counterfeit products MY relay, 2) The relation of preventing the use of counterfeit products MY relay by PT.Omron Electronics to reduce shrinkage for brand holders and keep the company's reputation, and 3) The implementation of transformational leadership components in PT.Omron Electronics to prevent the use of counterfeit products of MY relays. This term paper review uses shrinkage theory and transformational leadership theory. MY relay products are electrical products that are common in the control panel of industrial machines with high frequency of use, with Omron's market share of 80%. After searching there is a difference between industry growth on MY relay sales from 2012 until 2016, it is found that there are outstanding counterfeit products that have potential to cause shrinkage to the brand holder, in this case PT.Omron Electronics. The results of the study indicate that: 1) PT.Omron Electronics needs to undertake four measures or actions: supply chain management, legal action, identification through product technology, and cooperation with stakeholders; 2) Prevention of using this counterfeit MY relay product can reduce shrinkage, because it can increase sales revenue and keep company's reputation, 3) PT.Omron Electronics needs to implement transformational leadership component into company strategy to reduce shrinkage caused by counterfeit MY relay products through market operation, incentive to distributor, form call center, Omron companies in other countries and awareness programs. / Tujuan penulisan term paper ini adalah untuk mengkaji: 1) Upaya yang dilakukan PT.Omron Electronics untuk mencegah penggunaan produk palsu relay MY, 2) Bagaimana hubungan pencegahan penggunaan produk palsu relay MY oleh PT.Omron Electronics dapat mengurangi shrinkage bagi pemegang merek dan menjaga reputasi perusahaan?, dan 3) Penerapan komponen kepemimpinan transformasional di PT.Omron Electronics untuk mencegah penggunaan produk palsu relay MY. Kajian term paper ini menggunakan teori shrinkage dan teori kepemimpinan transformasional. Produk relay MY merupakan produk elektrik yang umum terdapat di dalam panel kontrol mesin-mesin industri dengan frekuensi penggunaan yang tinggi dan market share Omron sebesar 80%. Setelah ditelusuri ada perbedaan antara pertumbuhan industri terhadap penjualan relay MY dari tahun 2012 sampai 2016, ditemukan ada produk palsu yang beredar yang berpotensi menyebabkan shrinkage terhadap pemegang merek, dalam hal ini PT.Omron Electronics. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) PT.Omron Electronics perlu melakukan empat upaya atau tindakan yaitu: manajemn rantai pasok, tindakan hukum, identifikasi melalui teknologi produk, dan bekerjasama dengan pihak berkepentingan, 2) Pencegahan penggunaan produk palsu relay MY ini bisa mengurangi shrinkage, karena dapat menaikkan sales revenue dan menjaga reputasi perusahaan, 3) PT.Omron Electronics perlu mengimplementasikan komponen kepemimpinan transformasional ke dalam strategi perusahaan untuk mengurangi shrinkage yang diakibatkan oleh produk palsu relay MY melalui tindakan operasi pasar, incentive untuk distributor, membentuk call center, kolaborasi antar perusahaan Omron di negara lain dan program awareness
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Gunawan, Rudy
Thesis advisor
Bernarto, Innocentius
Additional Information: T 19-14 GUN p
Uncontrolled Keywords: shrinkage ; counterfeit products ; transformational leadership
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Business School > Master of Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Business School > Master of Management
Depositing User: Users 18 not found.
Date Deposited: 20 May 2021 02:23
Last Modified: 27 May 2022 08:37

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