Pengaruh perceived ease of use dan social influence yang dimediasi oleh perceived usefulness dan attitude toward acceptance terhadap intention to use sms advertising

Ghufran, Thirafi Firly (2018) Pengaruh perceived ease of use dan social influence yang dimediasi oleh perceived usefulness dan attitude toward acceptance terhadap intention to use sms advertising. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Nowdays smartphone has become to be a part of people’s lives, people need smartphones to support their daily activities, As we know there is a lot of contribution from the society to buy Smart Phones and become their part of essential components of their daily efficiency, it also supporting the economies to be more stable. Because of this, the marketer always make a new innovation to the development of technology. The way they do to advert their product is by Smart messaging services on people’s Smart Phones. Smart messaging services or mostly known as a SMS is an essential services for everyone nowadays. SMS referred to as texting and sending messages to one and another Smart Phone or conventional phone. This research aims to learn the effect of perceived ease of use and social influance, mediated by perceived usefullness and attitude towards acceptance in the intention of using SMS advertising to Indonesian market specially in JABODETABEK The model of method that we use in this is research has been modified from the previous research. By changing the location of the population which was tested The data on research analysis using a Strutural Equation modelling method and prepared using SmartPLS 3.0 there is 142 sample that fulfill the criteria of this research. By this research this can be concluded that perceived ease of take possesion of perceived influenced by perceived usefullness, attitude toward acceptance of SMS and Social influence having a positif impact to the intention of using an SMS. However, perceived ease of use doesn’t have a significant impact to the attitude by accepatance of SMS From this research can be concluded, the impact of social influence can encourange attitude toward accepatance consumer through SMS and using the advertising messages received to their smart phones. This research is confirming that previous research is about learning the manner from consumer on how they receive SMS advertising. Moreover, this provide benefits for marketer to improve their marketing strategy by SMS advertising. The next research will need to test on Z generation. / Smartphone saat ini sudah menjadi bagian dari hidup masyarakat, masyarakat membutuhkan smartphone untuk mendukung aktifitas mereka sehari – hari. Semakin banyak masyarakat yang memiliki handphone maka semakin banyak pengguna smartphone secara tidak langsung juga memberikan kontribusi pada perekonomian. Hal ini membuat para pemasar melakukan inovasi dengan melakukan pemasaran melalui smartphone yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat, dengan menggunakan jalur SMS, SMS merupakan jalur komunikasi universal pada ponsel genggam baik Smartphone maupun ponsel konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh perceived ease of use dan social influnce yang dimediasi oleh perceived usefullnes dan attitude toward acceptance terhadap intention to use SMS advertising pada masyarakat Indonesia yang menerima SMS advertising di JABODETABEK. Model konseptual dalam penelitian ini dimodifikasi dari penelitian sebelumnya dengan merubah lokasi populasi yang di uji. Data pada penelitian di analisis dengan metode Structural Equation modelling dan diproses dengan SmartPLS 3.0. model penelitian ini diuji pada populasi konsumen provider di Indonesia yang menerima SMS advertising dan sumber data diperoleh dari survei kuesioner online. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 142 sampel yang memenuhi kriteria untuk penelitian ini. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa perceived ease of use, perceived usefullness, social influence dan attitude toward acceptance of sms berpengaruh positif terhadap intention to use SMS, sedangkan perceived esase of use tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap attitude toward acceptance of SMS. Dampak dari social influence dapat mendorong atittude toward acceptance konsumen terhadap SMS dan menggunakan isi pesan advertising yang masuk ke smartphone mereka Penelitian ini mengkonfirmasi penelitian sebelumya untuk memahami sikap dari konsumen dalam menerima SMS advertising yang masuk ke smartphone mereka, serta memberi manfaat para pemasar untuk masukkan dalam melakukan pemasaran melalui SMS advertising. Penelitian selanjutnya diperlukan untuk menguji pada populasi generasi Z.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Ghufran, Thirafi Firly
Thesis advisor
Antonio, Ferdi
Additional Information: T 19-16 GHU p
Uncontrolled Keywords: Perceived Usefulness ; Perceived Ease Of Use ; Social Influence Attitude toward acceptance ; Intention TO USE & SMS Advertising
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Business School > Master of Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Business School > Master of Management
Depositing User: Users 18 not found.
Date Deposited: 20 May 2021 02:29
Last Modified: 23 Jun 2022 01:34

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