Peran komunikasi dalam meningkatkan disiplin siswa kelas tujuh SMP Narada

Dewi, Prajna (2014) Peran komunikasi dalam meningkatkan disiplin siswa kelas tujuh SMP Narada. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Education is a systematic process to enhance human dignity holistically that includes affective, cognitive and psychomotor aspects. To achieve the development of affective aspect, KTSP emphasis on students discipline character. This study is aimed to examine the role of communication in improving discipline on three students of Narada Junior High School through single subject research. The research questions which proposed are: 1) How does the development of students' discipline in terms of complying with the agreement? 2) How does the development of the students’ discipline in terms of the ability to hold themselves to a certain restriction? 3) How to communicate that can discipline the students? Observation, interviews and class document/ field notes are used to gather information and answer to research questions?This research applies single subject research with ABA'B design that consist of four phases. The instruments used are interviews, classroom observation sheet and journals. The data obtained at each phase were processed and analyzed using trend analysis direction, stability and level changes of direction.The results on baseline phase shows that three students who become the research subjects had poor discipline which are 70%, 60% dan 50% in terms of complying with the teacher and 20,62%, 17,28%, dan 17,45% in terms of the ability of restraint in a certain restriction. an increase in the discipline of three students after the implementation of communication found, 1,58%, 1,58% dan 2,38% in terms of complying with the teacher and reached average percentage of 0,79%, 0,95%, and 0% in terms of the ability of restraint in a certain restriction. Communication is advised to be applied in order to improve the discipline of junior high school students. / Pendidikan merupakan proses sistematik untuk meningkatkan martabat manusia secara holistik meliputi afektif, kognitif dan psikomotorik. Untuk tercapainya perkembangan afektif, KTSP memberikan penekanan pada pengembangan karakter disiplin siswa. Pertanyaaan penelitian yang diajukan adalah 1) Bagaimana perkembangan sikap disiplin siswa dalam hal mematuhi kesepakatan yang sudah dibuat bersama? 2) Bagaimana perkembangan sikap disiplin siswa dalam hal kemampuan menahan diri dalam suatu batas tertentu? 3) Bagaimana cara komunikasi yang dapat mendisiplinkan siswa dalam hal mematuhi kesepakatan yang sudah dibuat bersama dan kemampuan menahan diri dalam suatu batas tertentu?Penelitian ini menerapkan bentuk single subject research dengan desain penelitian ABA’B’ yang terdiri dari empat fase. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah wawancara, lembar observasi dan jurnal kelas. Data yang didapat pada tiap fase diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis kecenderungan arah, stabilitas dan level perubahan arah. Hasil observasi pada fase baseline menunjukkan angka pelanggaran disiplin ketiga siswa siswa mencapai persentase rata-rata 70%, 60% dan 50% dalam hal mematuhi kesepakatan yang sudah dibuat bersama dan mencapai persentase rata-rata 20,62%, 17,28%, dan 17,45% dalam hal kemampuan menahan diri. Setelah perlakuan komunikasi terjadi penurunan angka pelanggaran disiplin hingga ke persentase rata-rata 1,58%, 1,58% dan 2,38% dalam hal mematuhi kesepakatan yang sudah dibuat bersama dan mencapai persentase ratarata 0,79%, 0,95%, dan 0% dalam hal kemampuan menahan diri. Komunikasi berhasil meningkatkan disiplin siswa dan disarankan untuk diterapkan guna meningkatkan disiplin para siswa SMP.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Dewi, Prajna
Thesis advisor
Susianna, Nancy
Additional Information: T 69-12 DEW p
Uncontrolled Keywords: Communication ; discipline ; single subject research
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1028.3 Educational techology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Master of Educational Technology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Master of Educational Technology
Depositing User: Phillips Iman Heri Wahyudi
Date Deposited: 21 May 2021 07:16
Last Modified: 05 Apr 2022 07:06

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