Perancangan interior terapi bagi pecandu nonnarkoba dengan pendekatan design thinking dan terapi seni = Interior design therapy for non drug addiction using design thinking and art therapy method

Purnawan, Marianne Christianti (2021) Perancangan interior terapi bagi pecandu nonnarkoba dengan pendekatan design thinking dan terapi seni = Interior design therapy for non drug addiction using design thinking and art therapy method. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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/Pada topik kecanduan non-narkoba merupakan fenomena yang perlu diprihatinkan terutama untuk generasi muda milenial. Kecanduan non-narkoba dikarenakan adanya dopamin yang dapat membuat kita merasakan suatu kenikmatan terhadap aktivitas yang kita sukai dan tidak bisa dikontrol. Maka, pada desain interior proyek akhir ini menjadi wadah/pendukung solusi kecanduan non-narkoba melalui pendekatan terapi seni dalam memahami kegiatan pemulihan dan pendekatan design thinking pada tahapan desain interior. Gudksul dipilih karena secara eksisting merupakan bangunan untuk kegiatan dan belajar seni sebagai wadah eksplorasi untuk mengurangi kecanduan non-narkoba dengan mengimplementasikan metode terapi seni ke ruangan interior. Terapi seni memiliki proses kreatif yaitu dapat membuat mereka berefleksi, menurunkan stress karena masalah yang perlu dihadapi, mengendalikan sikap, mengembangkan keahlian dan memperkuat kesadaran diri juga mengetahui perkembangan, kognitif dan perkembangan emosi. Hal tersebut dapat mengatasi masalah-masalah tekanan psikologis yang dihadapi oleh pecandu non-narkoba yang berpotensi untuk memulihkan pecandu non-narkoba. Proyek akhir ini menggunakan proses design thinking sehingga ada melakukan umpan balik dan menerima tanggapan-tanggapan positif dari pengguna dan pemangku kepentingan atas alternatif solusi dan implikasi desain interior./ /The topic of non-drug addiction is a concerning phenomenon to the younger millennial. Non-drug addiction is caused by dopamine that can cause pleasure by doing the activities that we like and unable to control the impulse. In this final design interior project is to make a design that facilitates to help non-drug addict by using art therapy method to understand the process of healing, and design thinking method for the design process. Gudskul was chosen because the existing of the building were created for learning art and do art activities as a space to explore to decrease the non-drug addiction impulse, with the help of creating interior space with art therapy implementation method. Art therapy has a creative thinking process to help the non-drug addicts to reflect individually, reducing stress due to problems, control behaviour, develop skills and self-awareness, as well to find out self development, cognitive, and emotional development. Art therapy can solve the psychological stress that faced by non-drug addicts, because the method has the potential to heal the non-drug addiction. This final project also using the design thinking process, by doing feedbacks and receive positive responses from users and experts for the alternative solutions and design implementation.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Purnawan, Marianne Christianti
Thesis advisor
Opposunggu, Ruth Euselfvita
Uncontrolled Keywords: desain interior terapi; kecanduan non-narkoba; terapi seni
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Interior Design
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Interior Design
Depositing User: Users 5141 not found.
Date Deposited: 31 May 2021 06:21
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2022 13:05

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