Aktivitas departemen sales & marketing dalam upaya menambah nilai program unggulan di Jak TV = Activities of sales & marketing department as an effort to increase the value of featured programs on Jak tv

Putranto, Satrio (2021) Aktivitas departemen sales & marketing dalam upaya menambah nilai program unggulan di Jak TV = Activities of sales & marketing department as an effort to increase the value of featured programs on Jak tv. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Setiap stasiun televisi memiliki program unggulan. Membangun sebuah program diperlukan kegiatan-kegiatan public relations guna membangun program tersebut agar memiliki branding yang kuat. PT Danapati Abinaya Investama atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Jak TV adalah salah satu stasiun televisi lokal di Jabodetabek. Sebagai salah satu stasiun televisi, Jak TV harus memiliki program unggulan. Program unggulan dibutuhkan oleh setiap stasiun televisi untuk menjadi pembeda dari stasiun televisi lain dan juga menjadi ladang iklan untuk menunjang biaya operasional media televisi yang sangat besar. Penambahan nilai pada program unggulan menjadi sangat penting untuk menarik iklan tersebut. Tujuan proses magang ini untuk berpartisipasi dalam pengelolaan program unggulan dan untuk mempelajari bagaimana menambah nilai pada program unggulan di stasiun TV. Hasil dari implementasi yang sudah diterapkan pemagang ke dalam dunia kerja sebagai Asisten Direktur Marketing yaitu menambah pendapatan iklan melalui penambahan jumlah penonton dan rating pada program unggulan / Each television station has a featured program. Building a program requires public relations activities to build the program in order to have strong branding. PT Danapati Abinaya Investama or better known as Jak TV is one of the local television stations in Jabodetabek. As one of the television stations, Jak TV must have excellent programs. Excellent programs are needed by every television station to be differentiating from other television stations and also become an advertising field to support the huge operational costs of television media. Adding value to a featured program is essential to attracting these ads. The purpose of this internship process is to participate in the management of excellent programs and to learn how to add value to the flagship program on the TV station. The result of the implementation that has been applied by apprentices into the world of work as assistant chief marketing officer is to increase advertising opinions through increasing the number of viewers and ratings on flagship programs.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Putranto, Satrio
Thesis advisor
Rondonuwu, Roy
Uncontrolled Keywords: membangun program; penambahan nilai; Build Program; Increase The Value
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM 1201-1216 Communication
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Depositing User: Users 19031 not found.
Date Deposited: 21 Jul 2021 09:45
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2022 13:31
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/40613

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