The influence of entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance at PT Pasti Jaya Electrik, Medan

Tannada, Eric Chandra (2021) The influence of entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance at PT Pasti Jaya Electrik, Medan. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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This research is conducted at PT Pasti Jaya Electrik, Medan, in which there are several problems related to entrepreneurial orientation, which is revealed from the company’s revenue realization does not meet their revenue expectation. Thus, the objective of this research is to understand on how entrepreneurial orientation has influence on firm performance at PT Pasti Jaya Electrik, Medan. Entrepreneurship defines as a field of business that creates opportunities and resources, and family businesses are generally the business that is ruled by their own family governance to organize their company. One of the theories described that entrepreneurial orientation has a universal positive influence on performance. This research used quantitative, descriptive, causal and effect research, and using questionnaires, interview, and literature study as data analysis tools. The writer uses non-probability sampling, census sampling technique with 30 office employees of PT Swan Multimedia Indonesia for pre-test, and 33 office employees of PT Pasti Jaya Electrik Medan for real sample. The result of the partial test can be explained entrepreneurial orientation influences firm performance at PT Pasti Jaya Electrik, Medan with the result of coefficient of determination 51.9% and the remaining 48.1% is influenced by other variables outside this research. In hypothesis t-test, it indicates that t count (5.785) is greater than t table (2.039). As a result, the hypothesis alternative is accepted and concludes the entrepreneurial orientation has significant influence on firm performance at PT Pasti Jaya Electrik, Medan. In conclusion, this company is recommended to improve on analyzing competitors’ movement and arranging a technique of distributing products and services consistently to gain benefits on improving company’s assets./Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT Pasti Jaya Electrik, Medan yang terdapat beberapa permasalahan terkait orientasi kewirausahaan, yang terlihat dari realisasi pendapatan yang tidak sesuai dengan ekspektasi pendapatan. Jadi, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh orientasi kewirausahaan terhadap kinerja perusahaan pada PT Pasti Jaya Electrik, Medan. Kewirausahaan diartikan sebagai bidang bisnis yang menciptakan peluang dan sumber daya, dan bisnis keluarga pada umumnya adalah bisnis yang diatur oleh tata kelola keluarga mereka sendiri untuk mengatur perusahaan mereka. Salah satu teori menjelaskan bahwa orientasi kewirausahaan memiliki pengaruh positif universal terhadap kinerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif, deskriptif, kausal dan efek, serta menggunakan angket, wawancara, dan studi pustaka sebagai alat analisis data. Penulis menggunakan non-probability sampling, teknik sampling sensus dengan pre-test 30 karyawan kantor PT Swan Multimedia Indonesia, dan 33 karyawan kantor PT Pasti Jaya Electrik Medan untuk sampel nyata. Hasil pengujian secara parsial dapat dijelaskan bahwa orientasi kewirausahaan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan di PT Pasti Jaya Electrik, Medan dengan hasil koefisien determinasi 51,9% dan sisanya 48,1% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar penelitian ini. Pada uji-t hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa t hitung (5,785) lebih besar dari t tabel (2,039). Hasilnya, alternatif hipotesis diterima dan menyimpulkan bahwa orientasi kewirausahaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan pada PT Pasti Jaya Electrik, Medan. Kesimpulannya, perusahaan ini disarankan untuk meningkatkan analisis pergerakan pesaing dan menyusun teknik pendistribusian produk dan jasa secara konsisten untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dalam meningkatkan aset perusahaan.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Tannada, Eric Chandra
Thesis advisor
Alimin, Erina
Uncontrolled Keywords: entrepreneurship, family business, entrepreneurial orientation, firm performance
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Eric Chandra Tannada
Date Deposited: 05 Aug 2021 03:11
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2022 06:31

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