The effect of service quality towards customer satisfaction at Ta Shanghai Medan

Thalia, Thalia (2021) The effect of service quality towards customer satisfaction at Ta Shanghai Medan. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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It is a basic principle of doing business to be able to maintain the operational sustainability of a company or other forms of business through the main factor being customer satisfaction. Customer response of satisfaction with the performance of the business staff will give benefits and advantages for the company in the future. Apart from the physical products that can be purchased, non-physical services provided directly by employees to customers also have implications in the restaurant business. Service quality delivery is a complement to physical products where satisfaction also depends on it. The research objective was to analyze the influence of customer quality on customer satisfaction in Ta Shanghai Medan. The research was conducted based on a quantitative research design. The data collection is by convenient sampling method on the population of Ta Shanghai Medan is 100 customers with a sample of 80 respondents. The research data is from distributing questionnaires, which were then processed using validity test, reliability test, and simple linear regression. The result of the determination coefficient test shows 0.774, which means that the service quality variable has an effect of 77.4% on customer satisfaction. Based on the results of the t-test hypothesis test shows that t count (15.060) > t table (1.990) and a significant value of 0.00 <0.05, shows that service quality affects customer satisfaction. From the research results, the recommendation for the company is to develop operational management in the kitchen so that time management in preparing food and beverages to be served can be achieved on time, as well as training regimen for service staff so that they are competent and consistent in serving customers./Sudah merupakan suatu prinsip dasar berbisnis untuk dapat menjaga kelangsungan operasional perusahaan atau bentuk bisnis lainnya dengan faktor utama adalah kepuasan pelanggan. Respon pelanggan yang puas akan performa dari staf bisnis memberi keuntungan dan keuntunggulan bagi perusahan ke depannya. Selain dari segi produk fisik yang dapat dibeli, pelayanan sebagai non-fisik yang diberikan langsung oleh karyawan kepada pelanggan juga memberi implikasi pada bisnis restoran. Pelayanan merupakan sebuah komplemen kepada produk fisik dimana kepuasan pelanggan juga tergantung padanya. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisa pengaruh kualitas pelanggan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan di Ta Shanghai Medan. Penelitian yang dilakukan berdasarkan desain penelitian kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik convenient sampling terhadap populasi Ta Shanghai Medan adalah 100 pelanggan dengan sampel sebanyak 80 responden. Data dikumpulkan melalui pembagian kuesioner yang kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan analisis validitas, reliabilitas, dan linier regresi sederhana. Hasil dari uji koefisien determinasi menunjukkan 0.774 yang artinya variabel kualitas pelayanan memiliki pengaruh sebesar 77.4% terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis secara uji-t menunjukkan bahwa t hitung (15,060) > t table (1,990) dan nilai signifikan 0,00 < 0,05, maka kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Dari hasil penelitian, rekomendasi untuk perusahaan adalah mengembangkan manajemen operasional di dalam dapur sehingga manajemen waktu dalam persiapan makanan dan minuman untuk dihidangkan dapat dicapai dalam waktu yang semestinya, serta pelatihan staf pelayanan sehingga kompeten dan konsisten melayani pelanggan.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Thalia, Thalia
Thesis advisor
Syah Putra, Ali
Uncontrolled Keywords: hospitality; service quality; customer satisfaction
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Users 12283 not found.
Date Deposited: 03 Aug 2021 02:14
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2022 06:34

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