The effect of food quality towards customer satisfaction at Myndful in Medan

Ghowijaya, Stefanni (2021) The effect of food quality towards customer satisfaction at Myndful in Medan. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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In the concept, a product is recognized and considered successful if its function is able to provide satisfaction to customers. However, the products mentioned are not only found in products such as raw materials, daily ingredients and equipment that show their function, but are also found in food products. Although both have quality, taste is the main quality produced by food and each food produces different perceptions and experiences for everyone who enjoys it. Therefore, it is important for every restaurant and other food provider to anticipate the quality of food besides paying attention to service factors and other operational support. When the food served can match and exceed customer expectations, then customer satisfaction will be fulfilled. When customer satisfaction is met, they will choose the food provider as their preference and choice. This is what motivates the author to further investigate ‘The Effect of Food Quality towards Customer Satisfaction at Myndful in Medan “. This research chooses Myndful as the object of research because the concept of food served is different from the usual food providers, which focuses on healthy, low-calorie and nutritious food concept. Based on the result of data analysis testing resulted from data from Myndful’s customers response, it is shown that the Food Quality variable has an effect towards Customer Satisfaction. The research of the research indicate coefficient determination test, as shown by R square, of 0.508 , which means that food quality effect on 50.8% of customer satisfaction variable at Myndful while the remaining in 49.2% can be explained by other factors. From the result of simple linear regression test, Y = 12.925 + 0.483 X, which mean that if food quality variable at Myndful increase in 1 unit , the customer satisfacation at Myndful show the positive effect between Variable X and Variable Y. / Dalam konsepnya, suatu produk diakui dan dianggap berhasil jika fungsinya mampu memberikan kepuasan kepada pelangga.Namun produk tersebut tidak hanya terdapat pada produk seperti bahan baku dan peralatan sehari-hari yang menunjukkan fungsinya, tetapi juga terdapat pada produk makanan. Meski sama-sama memiliki kualitas, namun citarasa adalah kualitas utama yang dihasilkan oleh makanan dan setiap makanan menghasilkan persepsi dan pengalaman yang berbeda bagi setiap orang yang menikmatinya. Oleh karena itu penting bagi setiap restoran dan penyedia makanan lainnya untuk mengantisipasi kualitas makanan selain memperhatikan faktor pelayanan dan penunjang operasional lainnya. Ketika makanan yang disajikan dapat sesuai dan melebihi harapan pelanggan, maka kepuasan pelanggan akan terpenuhi.Ketika kepuasan pelanggan terpenuhi, mereka akan memilih penyedia makanan sebagai preferensi dan pilihan mereka.Hal inilah yang memotivasi penulis untuk meneliti lebih jauh mengenai “ Pengaruh Kualitas Makanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Di Myndful Medan”. Penelitian ini menjadikan Myndful sebagai objek penelitian karena konsep makanan yang disajikan berbeda dengan penyedia makanan pada umumnya dan menitikberatkan pada konsep makanan sehat, rendah kalori, dan bergizi.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian analisis data yang diperoleh dari data respon pelanggan Myndful menunjukkan bahwa variabel Kualitas Makanan berpengaruh terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan. Hasil penelitian ditandai dengan hasil uji koefisien determinasi yang ditunjukkan oleh R square sebesar 0,508 yang berarti bahwa Kualitas makanan berpengaruh terhadap 50,8% variabel kepuasan pelanggan di Myndful sedangkan sisanya pada 49,2% dapat dijelaskan oleh faktor lain. Pada hasil uji regresi linier sederhana, ditemukan bahwa Y = 12.925 + 0.483 X yang berarti jika variabel kualitas makanan di Myndful meningkat 1 satuan maka kepuasan pelanggan di Myndful menunjukkan pengaruh positif antara Variabel X dan Variabel Y.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Ghowijaya, Stefanni
Thesis advisor
Khong, Rifin
Uncontrolled Keywords: Myndful, food quality, customer satisfaction
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Users 18937 not found.
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2021 07:26
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2022 03:28

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