Analisis pengaruh interface issues, quality control, delivery experience, trust issues, customer service, customer experience terhadap intention to use dan word of mouth pengguna aplikasi grab food di Surabaya dan Kediri

Daniella, Yovina (2021) Analisis pengaruh interface issues, quality control, delivery experience, trust issues, customer service, customer experience terhadap intention to use dan word of mouth pengguna aplikasi grab food di Surabaya dan Kediri. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.

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ANALISIS PENGARUH INTERFACE ISSUES, QUALITY CONTROL, DELIVERY EXPERIENCE, TRUST ISSUES, CUSTOMER SERVICE, CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE TERHADAP INTENTION TO USE DAN WORD OF MOUTH PENGGUNA APLIKASI GRAB FOOD DI SURABAYA DAN KEDIRI (xviii + 207 halaman: 24 gambar; 52 tabel; 4 lampiran) v Perkembangan teknologi pada era globalisasi saat ini mengalami peningkatan yang sangat cepat dan pesat. Munculnya layanan Grab Food pada tahun 2016 yang tersedia dalam aplikasi Grab melayani pesan-antar makanan melalui teknologi handphone yang mempermudah masyarakat ketika ingin menikmati makanan restoran dari rumah. Pertumbuhan aplikasi Grab Food sangat pesat. Penelitian ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk memahami bagaimana pengaruh interface issues, quality control, delivery experience, trust, customer service, customer experience, dan intention to use terhadap word of mouth. Manfaat yang diharapkan melalui penelitian yang dilakukan ini adalah agar dapat menambah wawasan dalam bidang manajemen khususnya seberapa besar pengaruh intention to use sehingga meningkatkan word of mouth pada pengguna aplikasi Grab Food. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kausal, dengan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner kepada 210 responden dengan karakteristik responden pria dan wanita berumur 18-60 Tahun, berdomisili di Surabaya, pernah menggunakan layanan sejenis selain Grab, apakah pernah menggunakan aplikasi Grab Food untuk kebutuhan lebih dari dua kali dalam enam bulan terkahir. Dalam penelitian yang telah dilakukan terdapat hasil yang menunjukkan, variabel yang berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap intention to use adalah interface issues dan quality control, dan yang berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap word of mouth adalah interface issues, trust, customer service, dan customer experience. Sedangkan yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap intention to use adalah delivery experience, trust, customer service, dan customer experience. Serta yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap adalah quality control, delivery experience, dan intention to use. Kata Kunci: interface issues, quality control, delivery experience, trust, customer service, customer experience, intention to use, dan word of mouth Referensi: 120 (1983-2021) / ANALISIS PENGARUH INTERFACE ISSUES, QUALITY CONTROL, DELIVERY EXPERIENCE, TRUST ISSUES, CUSTOMER SERVICE, CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE TERHADAP INTENTION TO USE DAN WORD OF MOUTH PENGGUNA APLIKASI GRAB FOOD DI SURABAYA DAN KEDIRI (xviii + 207 halaman: 24 gambar; 52 tabel; 4 lampiran) vi The development of technology in the current era of globalization has increased very quickly and rapidly. The emergence of the Grab Food service in 2016 which is available in the Grab application serves food delivery via mobile phone technology which makes it easier for people to enjoy restaurant food from home. The growth of the Grab Food application is very fast. This study was made with the aim of understanding how the influence of interface issues, quality control, delivery experience, trust, customer service, customer experience, and intention to use on word of mouth. The expected benefit through this research is to be able to add insight in the field of management, especially how much influence the intention to use will have so as to increase word of mouth for Grab Food application users. This research is a causal research, with the research method used is a quantitative method with data processing using SPSS. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 210 respondents with the characteristics of male and female respondents aged 18-60 years, domiciled in Surabaya, had used similar services other than Grab, had ever used the Grab Food application for needs more than twice in the last six months. In the research that has been done, there are results showing that the variables that have a significant positive effect on intention to use are interface issues and quality control, and those that have a significant positive effect on word of mouth are interface issues, trust, customer service, and customer experience. Meanwhile, those that have no significant effect on intention to use are delivery experience, trust, customer service, and customer experience. And those that do not have a significant effect on are quality control, delivery experience, and intention to use. Keywords: interface issues, quality control, delivery experience, trust, customer service, customer experience, intention to use, and word of mouth Referensi: 120 (1983-2021)
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Daniella, Yovina
Thesis advisor
Dr. Amelia, S.E., RFP-I, M.M., CSMA, Dr. Amelia, S.E., RFP-I, M.M., CSMA
Thesis advisor
Dr. Ronald, S.T., M.M, CSMA, CDM, PMA, Dr. Ronald, S.T., M.M, CSMA, CDM, PMA
Uncontrolled Keywords: interface issues; quality control; delivery experience; trust; customer service; customer experience; intention to use; word of mouth
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Users 5236 not found.
Date Deposited: 30 Nov 2021 08:38
Last Modified: 27 Feb 2022 14:16

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