Pelatihan pengembangan karakter untuk orang dewasa (studi kasus program heartmaster di Jakarta)

Kristianti, Tri (2018) Pelatihan pengembangan karakter untuk orang dewasa (studi kasus program heartmaster di Jakarta). Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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The aim of this research is to identify the outcome of the Heartmaster training in developing the character of the participants, to examine the materials and technique taught in the training which support the results of the outcome, and to explore the design of the Heartmaster training program using the ADDIE model of instructional design. This research applies the method of case study. The results of the study are as follow: first, the Heartmaster training helps developing the character of the participants through the process of conceptual knowledge and experiential behavior. The outcome of the training is a result of the paradigm shift about the awareness of God. The training outcomes that are experienced by all research participants are the increase level of trust in God, patience, and feeling at peace. Second, the materials of Heartmaster training consist of materials about the value of God, the nature of human, the relations between human and God, among humans and environment, as well as the understanding of heart and conscience. The training materials that help participants develop their characters are the concept of surrender, the study of brainwaves, the brainwave entrainment, the paradigm of heart, and the releasing technique, despite of the fact that not all of the participants fully understand those materials. Third, Heartmaster training program is designed using trainer’s creative intelligence and inner knowingness. There has not been any instructional design applied in the program. / Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui outcome pelatihan Heartmaster dalam mengembangkan karakter peserta yang ditunjukkan melalui sikap dan perilaku mereka, materi dan teknik yang mempengaruhi outcome tersebut, serta desain program pelatihan Heartmaster dengan menggunakan desain pelatihan model ADDIE. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus. Hasil dari studi ini adalah sebagai berikut: pertama, pelatihan Heartmaster dapat membantu mengembangkan karakter para pesertanya melalui proses penggabungan pengetahuan konseptual dan experiential. Dampak pelatihan Heartmaster dirasakan narasumber peserta pelatihan melalui perubahan paradigma mereka dalam memandang hidup dengan hadirnya kesadaran akan Tuhan. Tiga jenis outcome pelatihan yang dialami oleh semua narasumber peserta pelatihan adalah meningkatnya rasa percaya kepada Tuhan, sabar, dan tenang. Kedua, pelatihan Heartmaster mencakup kesatuan nilai yang berhubungan dengan Tuhan, hakikat manusia, mengenal diri, hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, sesama dan lingkungan, serta pelajaran tentang hati nurani. Materi pelatihan yang membantu peserta mengalami perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku adalah konsep ikhlas, gelombang otak manusia, prinsip brainwave entrainment, paradigma hati, dan teknik releasing, walaupun tidak semua narasumber memahami materi pelatihan tersebut. Ketiga, pelatihan Heartmaster didesain secara deduktif, bebas dan kreatif. Belum ada desain pelatihan yang dilakukan secara terstruktur dan terdokumentasi.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Kristianti, Tri
Thesis advisor
Pramono, Rudy
Additional Information: T 69-16 KRI p
Uncontrolled Keywords: character ; training ; instructional design ; ADDIE ; training outcome
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1028.3 Educational techology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Master of Educational Technology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Master of Educational Technology
Depositing User: Users 15 not found.
Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2019 03:35
Last Modified: 25 Mar 2023 07:56

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