Analisis yuridis terhadap perjanjian nominee dalam proses kepemilikan tanah oleh warga negara asing di Indonesia dan Thailand = Juridical Analysis towards Nominee Agreement in Land Ownership by Foreigners in Indonesia and Thailand

Setiabudhi, Matthew (2021) Analisis yuridis terhadap perjanjian nominee dalam proses kepemilikan tanah oleh warga negara asing di Indonesia dan Thailand = Juridical Analysis towards Nominee Agreement in Land Ownership by Foreigners in Indonesia and Thailand. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Land Ownership in Indonesia only applies for Indonesian Citizen based on Section 21 article 1 UUPA (Basic Agrarian Law). Foreigners are prohibited to acquire land ownership in Indonesia. Rights to land that are allowed for foreigners are rental rights and right to use land based upon Section 42 and 45 UUPA (Basic Agrarian Law). Land ownership prohibition create law smuggling in the form of nominee agreement that emerge from the freedom of contract in Section 1338 KUHPerdata (Indonesian Civil Code). Land ownership through nominee agreements regulation still not yet regulated in both KUHPerdata (Indonesian Civil Code) as well as UUPA (Basic Agrarian Law) so that there is no prohibition and there it is not protected by the law that creates a legal vacuum. Legal vacuum causes different interpretation from society that is misused, it causes loss for the country. This research aims to find out the regulation and practice of land ownership through nominee agreements by doing a comparative study with Thailand. By comparing the regulation and practice with Thailand that have applied regulation for nominee agreements through Thailand Land Code Act, then Indonesia is expected to have a regulation of its own. The research method used in this thesis is empirical normative legal research method which uses secondary data as its primary substance that is by using books, journals, and other secondary data as well as primary data which is performed by the writer to interview source person who’s relevant in land ownership through nominee agreements. The result of the research shows that the regulation in Indonesia is very confusing and out of hand whenever it applies to a case that involves land ownership through nominee agreements. Land ownership by foreigners through nominee agreements in practice shows that it is often misused to avoid tax and acquire land unlawfully. Meanwhile, land ownership through nominee agreements in Thailand is very specified and concrete in Thailand Land Code Act. It is also heavily secured by the government and special institution called Thailand’s Department of Special Investigation. The conclusion is that Indonesia can apply regulating land ownership by foreigners through nominee agreements in UUPA (Basic Agrarian Law) nor KUHPerdata (Indonesian Civil Code) to provide legal certainty and avoid state losses. / Kepemilikan tanah di Indonesia hanya berlaku bagi Warga Negara Indonesia (selanjutnya disebut “WNI”) menurut pasal 21 ayat (1) UUPA. Warga Negara Asing (selanjutnya disebut “WNA”) dilarang untuk memiliki tanah di Indonesia. Kepemilikan tanah yang diizinkan dimiliki oleh WNA hanya Hak Sewa dan Hak Pakai berdasarkan Pasal 42 dan 45 UUPA. Pelarangan kepemilikan tanah menimbulkan penyelundupan hukum berupa perjanjian nominee yang terbentuk dari asas berkontrak pada Pasal 1338 KUHPerdata. Regulasi dari kepemilikan tanah melalui perjanjian nominee masih belum diatur dalam KUHPerdata maupun UUPA sehingga tidak ada yang melarang dan tidak dilindungi sehingga ada kekosongan hukum. Kekosongan hukum tersebut menyebabkan interpretasi masyarakat yang bervariasi sehingga dapat disalahgunakan dan dapat merugikan negara. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui regulasi dan praktik kepemilikan tanah melalui perjanjian nominee dengan melakukan studi banding dengan negara Thailand. Dengan membandingkan regulasi dan praktik dengan negara Thailand yang sudah menerapkan pengaturan perjanjian nominee dalam Thailand Land Code Act, maka diharapkan terbentuknya suatu regulasi yang mengatur mengenai perjanjian nominee di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif-empiris yang menggunakan data sekunder sebagai bahan utama yaitu dengan menggunakan buku, jurnal, dan data sekunder lainnya serta didukung dengan data primer yang dilakukan oleh penulis dengan mewawancarai narasumber-narasumber yang relevan dalam kepemilikan tanah melalui perjanjian nominee. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa regulasi dari perjanjian nominee di Indonesia masih sangat rancu sehingga tidak ada pedoman dalam penerapan kasus perjanjian nominee. Praktik dari kepemilikan tanah melalui perjanjian nominee oleh WNA di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa perjanjian nominee seringkali disalahgunakan untuk menghindari pajak dan memperoleh suatu kepemilikan tanah secara melawan hukum. Sedangkan regulasi perjanjian nominee di Thailand diatur secara spesifik dan konkret di dalam Thailand Land Code Act dan praktik kepemilikan tanah melalui perjanjian nominee oleh WNA di awasi secara ketat oleh Pemerintah maupun Lembaga khusus yaitu Thailand’s Department of Special Investigation. Kesimpulannya adalah Indonesia dapat mengaplikasikan kebijakan negara Thailand mengenai pengaturan kepemilikan tanah melalui perjanjian nominee oleh WNA dalam UUPA atau KUHPerdata untuk memberikan kepastian hukum dan menghindari kerugian negara.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Setiabudhi, Matthew
Thesis advisor
Parluhutan, Dian
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kepemilikan tanah; Perjanjian nominee; Warga negara asing
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Law
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Law
Depositing User: Users 8247 not found.
Date Deposited: 10 Jan 2022 01:56
Last Modified: 22 Mar 2022 04:39

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