Kewirausahaan sosial dalam olahraga profesional: anteseden dan konsekuensi dari perspektif konsumen studi kasus pada komunitas olahraga RIOT Indonesia = Social Entrepreneurship in Professional Sports: Antecedents and Outcomes from the Consumer Perspective Case Study On Sport Community: Riot Indonesia

Arventa, Ida Bagus Kelvin (2021) Kewirausahaan sosial dalam olahraga profesional: anteseden dan konsekuensi dari perspektif konsumen studi kasus pada komunitas olahraga RIOT Indonesia = Social Entrepreneurship in Professional Sports: Antecedents and Outcomes from the Consumer Perspective Case Study On Sport Community: Riot Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of each variable, such as innovation and CSR on social entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship on affective commitment, affective commitment on intention to purchase the products and intention to attend sports events. This study consists of six variables with five hypotheses, with members of the Indonesian RIOT community, especially members who are in Bali as the research sample. The testing of this research uses the outer modern and inner models. The outer model is carried out by testing reliability using the Cronbach's alpha value approach and composite reliability. While the validity test uses convergent validity and discriminant validity. Convergent validity is done by looking at the value of factor loading and AVE value, while discriminant validity is done by looking at the value of cross loading, the Fornell-Larcker criterion and HTMT. Inner model is done with R-Square, T-Statistics, and P-Values values. After that, to determine the effect of each variable, a hypothesis test was carried out with a structural equal model using the SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results showed that there was a positive influence between all the variables studied. The research is expected to make a conceptual contribution to the theory of social entrepreneurship and managerial contributions to the RIOT community, government, educational institutions, and the wider community / Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari masing-masing variabel, yaitu innovation dan CSR terhadap social entreprenurship, social entrepreurship terhadap affective commitment, affective commitment terhadapa intention to purchase the products dan intention to attend sports event. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dari enam variabel dengan lima hipotesis, dengan anggota komunitas RIOT Indonesia, terutama anggota yang berada di Bali sebagai sampel penelitian. Pengujian penelitian ini menggunakan outer moden dan inner model. Outer model dilakukan dengan pengujian reliabilitas menggunakan pendekatan nilai cronbach’s alpha dan composite reliability. Sedangkan pengujian validitas menggunakan validitas konvergen dan validitas diskriminan. Validitas konvergen dilakukan dengan melihat nilai factor loading dan nilai AVE, sedangkan validitas diskriminan dilakukan dengan melihat nilai cross loading, the fornell-larcker criterion dan HTMT. Inner model dilakukan dengan nilai R-Square, T-Statistics, dan P-Values. Setelah itu, untuk mengetahui pengaruh masing-masing variabel maka dilakukan uji hipotesis dengan strucrural equal model menggunakan bantuan software SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang positif antar semua variabel yang diteliti. Penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi konseptual terhadap teori social entrepreurship dan kontribusi manajerial terhadap komunitas RIOT, pemerintah, institusi pendidikan, dan masyarakat luas.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Arventa, Ida Bagus Kelvin
Thesis advisor
Asan, Sucipto
Uncontrolled Keywords: Innovation; CSR; Social entrepreneurship; Affective commitment; Intention to purchase the products; Intention to attend sports event
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Users 14650 not found.
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2022 01:33
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 05:41

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