The influence of service quality towards customer loyalty at Kalang Ulu Hotel Berastagi, North Sumatra

Lofina, Shanty (2021) The influence of service quality towards customer loyalty at Kalang Ulu Hotel Berastagi, North Sumatra. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Nowadays, business development in Indonesia is very rapid and creates serious business competition. In Indonesia, one of the most developing business is the service business. Service delivery will certainly determine customer loyalty. Customers will be satisfies if the services provided meet their needs and expectations. The service quality of a hotel consists of several dimensions which are tangibles, empathy, responsiveness, reliability, and assurance. This research was conducted at the Kalang Ulu Hotel, Berastagi, North Sumatera. The purpose of this study research is that there are negative reviews about Kalang Ulu hotel such as the lack of hospitality towards the customers and the lack of customer service which indicate that the quality of the services provided was not able to meet customer expectations so that it can affect customer loyalty. The methodology of this study research is descriptive and quantitative using SPSS tools. The data analysis methods used in this research are the validity test, reliability test, the descriptive method, the normality test, linearity test, heteroscedasticity test, simple linear regression, determination coefficient, and t-test. The determination coefficient test results are 10.1% (0.101) and the t-test results are (3.327 > 2.62693) which indicates that the service quality has an influence on customer loyalty at Kalang Ulu Hotel, Berastagi, North Sumatera. From the results of this study research, it can be concluded that the Service Quality has an effect on Customer Loyalty at Kalang Ulu Hotel, Berastagi, North Sumatera. Recommendation for the company are to put more attention on their employees to dress properly, tidily, and clean; put more efforts on giving their best service; treat customer properly; and give a lot of promos to increase the interest of the customers./Saat ini perkembangan bisnis di Indonseia sangat pesat dan menimbulkan persaingan bisnis yang sangat ketat. Di Indonesia, salah satu bisnis yang paling berkembang adalah bisnis pelayanan jasa. Pemberian layanan jasa tentu akan menentukan loyalitas dari pelanggan. Pelanggan akan puas jika layanan yang disediakan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan harapan mereka. Kualitas jasa dari suatu hotel terdiri dari beberapa dimensinya yang berwujud, empati, daya tanggap, keandalan dan jaminan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di hotel Kalang Ulu Berastagi, Sumatera Utara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah karena adanya ulasan buruk mengenai hotel Kalang Ulu seperti, kurangnya ramah tamah terhadap pelanggan, dan kurangnya layanan terhadap pelanggan yang menunjukkan bahwa kualitas jasa yang diberikan belum dapat memenuhi harapan pelanggan sehingga dapat mempengaruhi loyalitas pelanggan. Metodologi dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat bantu SPSS. Metode analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, metode deskriptif, uji normalitas, uji linearitas, uji heteroskedastisitas, uji regresi linier sederhana, koefisien determinasi, dan uji-t. Hasil dari uji koefisien determinasi adalah 10.1% (0.101) dan hasil uji-t adalah (3.327 > 2.62693) yang menunjukkan bahwa kualitas jasa memiliki penggaruh terhadap loyaltitas pelanggan di hotel Kalang Ulu, Berastagi, Sumatera Utara. Dari hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kualitas Jasa berpengaruh terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan di hotel Kalang Ulu, Berastagi, Sumatera Utara. Rekomendasi untuk perusahaan adalah agar lebih memperhatikan karyawannya untuk berpakaian dengan benar, rapi, dan bersih; lebih berusaha untuk memberikan layanan terbaik mereka; memperlakukan pelanggan dengan benar; dan memberikkan banyak promo untuk meningkatkan minat pelanggan.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Lofina, Shanty
Thesis advisor
syahputra, ali
Uncontrolled Keywords: service quality; customer loyalty; Kalang Ulu Hotel
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Users 18342 not found.
Date Deposited: 05 Mar 2022 01:17
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2022 04:11

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