Analisa faktor - faktor perceived service quality dalam bidang aviasi terhadap passenger loyalty melalui passenger satisfaction dan passenger complaint pada penumpang Lion Air tujuan dari dan ke Surabaya

Wongharyono, Richardo Evan (2022) Analisa faktor - faktor perceived service quality dalam bidang aviasi terhadap passenger loyalty melalui passenger satisfaction dan passenger complaint pada penumpang Lion Air tujuan dari dan ke Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Richardo Evan Wongharyono (02011190042) ANALISA FAKTOR - FAKTOR PERCEIVED SERVICE QUALITY DALAM BIDANG AVIASI TERHADAP PASSENGER LOYALTY MELALUI PASSENGER SATISFACTION DAN PASSENGER COMPLAINT PADA PENUMPANG LION AIR TUJUAN DARI DAN KE SURABAYA (xvi + 236 halaman: 21 gambar, 58 tabel, 5 lampiran) Lion Air adalah salah satu maskapai swasta di Indonesia yang berdiri pada tahun 2000 dan hingga saat ini tumbuh dengan cepat. Walaupun permintaan penerbangan mengalami peningkatan, persaingan juga makin ketat karena kompetitor semakin bertambah, bahkan beberapa maskapai swasta pun tidak kuat hingga bangkrut. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mencari faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap Passenger Loyalty melalui Passenger Satsifaction dan Passenger Complaint pelanggan Lion Air di Surabaya. Penelitian ini memberikan manfaat untuk industri Penerbangan di Indonesia khususnya untuk menciptakan loyalitas pelanggan terhadap sebuah maskapai agar mampu bertahan di pasar dalam jangka waktu yang panjang. Penelitian ini bersifat kausal dengan metode kuantitatif dan menggunakan aplikasi Amos 22.0 untuk membantu proses pengolahan data primer dari 229 pelanggan Lion Air di Surabaya yang dikumpulkan dengan teknik Snowball Sampling. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa pelanggan akan loyal terhadap sebuah merek dipengaruhi oleh Kepuasan Pelanggan yang paling dipengaruhi dengan urutan terbesar oleh Safety and Security, Reliability, Connectivity, Information Service, Accessibility, Operation Schedule, Comfort, Ticket service, dan Personalized Services. Persepsi konsumen bahwa pesawat dengan harga yang murah tidak mengutamakan keselamatan, namun dari penelitian ini bisa dipatahkan karena Lion Air signifikan di variabel Safety and Security. Kata Kunci: Accessibility, Comfort, Connectivity, Information Service, Operation Schedule, Personalized Services, Reliability, Ticket Service, Passenger Satisfaction, Passenger Complaint, dan Passenger Loyalty. Referensi: 14 (1985-2021). / Richardo Evan Wongharyono (02011190042) ANALISA FAKTOR - FAKTOR PERCEIVED SERVICE QUALITY DALAM BIDANG AVIASI TERHADAP PASSENGER LOYALTY MELALUI PASSENGER SATISFACTION DAN PASSENGER COMPLAINT PADA PENUMPANG LION AIR TUJUAN DARI DAN KE SURABAYA (xvi + 236 pages: 21 picture, 58 table, 5 attachments) Lion Air is a private airline in Indonesia that was founded in 2000 and is currently growing rapidly. Although the demand for flights has increased, competition is also getting tougher because competitors are increasing, even some private airlines are not strong enough to go bankrupt. This research is intended to find factors that influence Passenger Loyalty through Passenger Satisfaction and Passenger Complaint of Lion Air customers in Surabaya. This research provides benefits for the aviation industry in Indonesia, especially to create customer loyalty to an airline in order to be able to survive in the market in the long term. This study is causal with quantitative methods and uses the Amos 22.0 application to assist the processing of primary data from 229 Lion Air customers in Surabaya which was collected using the Snowball Sampling Technique. In this study it was found that customers will be loyal to a brand influenced by Customer Satisfaction which is most influenced by Safety and Security, Reliability, Connectivity, Information Service, Accessibility, Operation Schedule, Comfort, Ticket service, and Personalized Services. Consumers' perception that airplanes with low prices do not prioritize safety, but from this research it can be broken because Lion Air is significant in the Safety and Security variable. Keywords: Accessibility, Comfort, Connectivity, Information Service, Operation Schedule, Personalized Services, Reliability, Ticket Service, Passenger Satisfaction, Passenger Complaint, dan Passenger Loyalty. Refrences: 14 (1985-2021).
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Wongharyono, Richardo Evan
Thesis advisor
Suryaputra, Ronald
Thesis advisor
Amelia, Amelia
Uncontrolled Keywords: accessibility; comfort; connectivity; information service; operation schedule; personalized services; reliability; ticket service; passenger satisfaction; passenger complaint; passenger loyalty
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Users 6006 not found.
Date Deposited: 29 Aug 2022 08:40
Last Modified: 29 Aug 2022 08:40

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