Penerapan peraturan dan prosedur kelas untuk mengembangkan karakter disiplin siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas X IPS.

Cibro, Lidya Masta Purba (2022) Penerapan peraturan dan prosedur kelas untuk mengembangkan karakter disiplin siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas X IPS. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Nuansa pembelajaran dalam UU Sisdiknas mempunyai konsep mengedepankan harapan terciptanya individu yang mempunyai nilai karakter dan akhlak yang mulia. Namun, pada kenyataannya masih banyak ketidakdisiplinan yang ditemui di lapangan antara lain, tidak menghargai guru ketika guru sedang menerangkan pembelajaran di depan kelas, bermain handphone, berbicara dengan volume suara yang keras. Padahal, kedisiplinan penting untuk menciptakan suatu keteraturan di dalam kelas. Karakter disiplin ternyata dapat dilatih dengan melakukan suatu praktik yang nyata yaitu dengan cara menerapkan peraturan dan prosedur. Peraturan dan prosedur merupakan suatu petunjuk yang digunakan untuk memanajemen perilaku siswa di kelas. Namun, peraturan dan prosedur haruslah dilakukan dengan terarah, konsisten, dan tegas agar efektif dalam mengembangkan karakter disiplin siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memaparkan penerapan peraturan dan prosedur untuk mengembangkan karakter disiplin siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas sepuluh IPS dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, dan rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah apakah peraturan dan prosedur kelas dapat mengembangkan kedisiplinan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas sepuluh IPS? Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan ternyata, peraturan dan prosedur kelas dapat mengembangkan kedisiplinan siswa di kelas sepuluh IPS. Penulis berharap sekolah yang ada di Indonesia dapat menerapkan peraturan dan prosedur sebagai upaya untuk mendorong tumbuhnya kedisiplinan dalam diri generasi penerus bangsa./The nuances of learning in the National Education Law have the concept of prioritizing the hope of creating individuals who have noble character and moral values. However, in reality, there are still many indisciplines encountered in the field, including not appreciating the teacher when the teacher is explaining learning in front of the class, playing mobile phones, speaking at the volume of the voice that the apes. In fact, discipline is important to create a sense of order in the classroom. Disciplinary character can be trained by doing a real practice, namely by applying rules and procedures. Rules and procedures are a guide used to manage student behavior in the classroom. However, rules and procedures must be carried out in a directed, consistent, and firm manner in order to be effective in developing the disciplinary character of students. The purpose of this research is to explain the application of regulations and procedures to develop the disciplinary character of students in the learning process in the tenth grade of social studies using research methods descriptive qualitative, and the formulation of the problem from this study is whether class rules and procedures can develop student discipline in the learning process in the tenth grade of social studies? Based on the results of the research conducted, it turns out that class rules and procedures can develop student discipline in the tenth grade of social studies. The author hopes that schools in Indonesia can implement regulations and procedures as an effort to encourage the growth of discipline in the next generation of the nation.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Cibro, Lidya Masta Purba
Saragih, Melda
Uncontrolled Keywords: displin; peraturan kelas; prosedur kelas; penerapan
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Mathematics Education
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Mathematics Education
Depositing User: Lidya Masta Purba Cibro
Date Deposited: 23 Nov 2022 02:26
Last Modified: 23 Nov 2022 02:26

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