Munthe, Duma (2019) Implementasi model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe teams games tournament sebagai upaya meningkatkan keaktifan siswa kelas VIII pada pembelajaran IPA di salah satu SMP di kota Tangerang. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.
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Manusia merupakan gambar dan rupa Allah yang mampu secara aktif membangun pengetahuannya sendiri. Keaktifan siswa sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses pembelajaran, namun berdasarkan hasil observasi yang dilakukan di salah satu SMP di Kota Tangerang terlihat bahwa siswa cenderung kurang aktif. Tindakan-tindakan yang muncul selama pembelajaran adalah siswa tidak memberikan pertanyaan kepada guru, tidak menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan terbuka oleh guru, harus diinstruksikan terlebih dahulu untuk mencatat, mengobrol dengan teman di luar materi pembelajaran dan mengantuk atau terlihat bosan dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Berdasarkan permasalah tersebut diterapkanlah salah satu model pembelajaran kooperatif yaitu teams games tournament sebagai upaya meningkatkan keaktifan siswa pada pembelajaran IPA. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) model Pelton. Penelitian ini berlangsung pada 5 September 2018- 26 Oktober 2018 dengan subjek penelitian 27 orang siswa kelas VIII di suatu SMP di Tangerang dengan 12 siswa perempuan dan 15 siswa laki-laki. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi keaktifan siswa oleh guru mentor, umpan balik mentor, lembar angket siswa dan jurnal refleksi peneliti. Data-data tersebut selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil analisis pada penelitian ini berdasarkan hasil observasi mentor menunjukkan bahwa keaktifan siswa meningkat sebesar 32,27%. Pada penerapan pertama keaktifan siswa mendapatkan persentase sebesar 55,56% dan meningkat pada tindakan kedua menjadi 87,83%. Kenaikan ini juga didukung dengan meningkatnya skor angket siswa yaitu 69,64 pada tindakan pertama menjadi 72,67 pada tindakan kedua. Kenaikan persentase keaktifan siswa dipengaruhi oleh penerapan TGT dengan tahapan yang digunakan adalah pendahuluan, pengajaran/presentasi kelas, belajar tim, turnamen, penghargaan tim dan penutup./ Human are the images of God who are able to actively build their own knowledge. The activeness of students is needed in the learning process, however the observations that was held in one of Junior High School results showed that the students tend to be less active. The actions that appeared during learning process were students did not ask questions to the teacher, did not answer questions that are asked openly by the teacher, they need to be instructed to take note, talked with friends which was not related with the learning material and sleepy or look bored in learning. Based on those problems, one of the cooperative learning models, TGT, was applied to improve the students’ activeness in science class. The method used in this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR) by Pelton. This research was conducted on October 17th - October 26th, 2018 in grade VIII at one of Junior High School in Tangerang. The subject of the research are the class that consist of 27 students, 12 girls and 15 boys. The data sources of this research were taken from student’s activeness observation sheet, mentor feedback, students’ questionnaire sheet and journal reflection. Data were analyzed descriptively. The analysis result in this study based on the mentor observation about student’s activeness indicates that student activeness improved by 32.27%. In the first action of students’ activeness get 55.56% and increase in the second action to 87.83%. This improvement was also supported by the increase in student questionnaire scores, 69.64 in the first action to 72.67 in the second action. The increase in the percentage of student activity was influenced by the implementation of TGT with the stages: introduction, class presentation, teams, tournament, teams recognition and closing.
Item Type: | Thesis (Bachelor) |
Creators: | Creators NIM Email ORCID Munthe, Duma 00000018543 UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors: | Contribution Contributors NIDN/NIDK Email Thesis advisor Siahaan, Meri UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED Thesis advisor Padang, Ariani UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED Thesis advisor Yohansa, Meicheil UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | keaktifan siswa; pembelajaran IPA dan teams games tournament |
Subjects: | L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools |
Divisions: | University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Biology Education Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Biology Education |
Depositing User: | RESTI NOPRIYANTI |
Date Deposited: | 08 Dec 2022 08:59 |
Last Modified: | 08 Dec 2022 08:59 |
URI: | |