Strategi pembelajaran challenge based learning untuk mengembangkan kecakapan hidup abad XXI dalam menghadapi tantangan era society 5.0

Agazy, John Andre (2022) Strategi pembelajaran challenge based learning untuk mengembangkan kecakapan hidup abad XXI dalam menghadapi tantangan era society 5.0. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Dunia sedang dihadapkan dengan tantangan era society 5.0. Menghadapi tantangan tersebut, dibutuhkan kecakapan hidup abad 21 yang diantaranya adalah Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Collaboratively, Creativity, dan Communication. Namun, berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan di salah satu sekolah kota Tangerang, diamati bahwa aktivitas pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru masih belum optimal dalam memfasilitasi siswa untuk dapat mengembangkan kecakapan hidup abad 21. Challenge based Learning (CbL) adalah sebuah strategi pembelajaran yang menggabungkan aspek penting seperti pembelajaran berbasis masalah, pembelajaran berbasis proyek dan pembelajaran kontekstual sehingga cocok untuk mengembangkan kecakapan hidup abad 21. Dengan demikian penulisan term paper ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan strategi Challenge based Learning dalam mengembangkan kecakapan hidup abad 21 peserta didik untuk menghadapi tantangan era society 5.0. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dimana pengambilan data berdasarkan portofolio PPL 2. Pendidikan Kristen juga turut andil dalam mengembangkan berbagai elemen yang dibutuhkan dalam mengembangkan kecakapan hidup siswa. Guru Kristen merupakan agen perubahan yang tidak hanya berfokus pada tujuan pembelajaran, namun juga senantiasa membimbing siswa pada kebenaran Allah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penyelesaiaan dari setiap sintaks pada strategi pembelajaran CbL dinilai efektif dalam mengembangkan kecakapan hidup abad 21, yaitu memenuhi indikator yang dapat melatih kecakapan hidup abad 21. Saran penulis bagi pendidik Kristen agar menerapkan strategi pembelajaran yang dapat membantu siswa siap dan mampu berdaya saing dalam menghadapi tantangan kedepan yaitu dengan melaksanakan aktivitas pembelajaran yang bersifat Christ-centered and student-oriented./ Currently, the world is faced with the challenges of the era of society 5.0. To face these challenges, 21st century life skills are needed, including Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Collaboratively, Creativity, and Communication. However, observations made in one of the Tangerang city schools, it was observed that the learning activities carried out by teachers were still not optimal in facilitating students to be able to develop 21st century life skills. Challenge based Learning (CbL) is a learning strategy that combines important aspects such as problem-based learning, project-based learning and contextual learning is suitable for improving 21st century life skills. Thus, the writing of this term paper aims to explain the Challenge based Learning strategy in developing the life skills of 21st century students to face the challenges of the society 5.0 era. This writing uses a descriptive qualitative method based on PPL 2 portfolio data. Christian education also contributes to developing various elements needed in developing students' life skills. Christian teachers are agents of change who not only focus on learning objectives, but also constantly guide students to God's truth. Based on the results of the study, syntax CbL learning strategies are considered effective in training students' ability to develop 21st century life skills. The author's advice for Christian educators is to implement learning strategies that can help students to be ready and competitive in facing future challenges, by carrying out learning activities that are Christ-centered and student-oriented.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Agazy, John Andre
Thesis advisor
Sinaga, Kelly
Uncontrolled Keywords: kecakapan hidup abad 21; pendidikan era society 5.0; challenge based learning
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Chemistry Education
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Chemistry Education
Depositing User: John Andre Agazy
Date Deposited: 14 Dec 2022 01:38
Last Modified: 14 Dec 2022 01:38

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