Analisis pengaruh variabel, reliability, privacy & security, webside design, customer service and support terhadap e-banking loyalty melalui variabel e-Banking satisfaction pada layanan e-Banking bank bca di Surabaya

Gunawan, Charles (2022) Analisis pengaruh variabel, reliability, privacy & security, webside design, customer service and support terhadap e-banking loyalty melalui variabel e-Banking satisfaction pada layanan e-Banking bank bca di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Dewasa ini kita dihadapkan dengan situasi pandemi Covid-19 yang sekarang sudah menjadi endemi yang berdampak pada seluruh sektor ekonomi di Indonesia. Pembatasan mobilitas oleh Pemerintah memunculkan tatanan kehidupan dan kebiasaan baru di masyarakat, salah satunya adalah dalam transaksi yang berkaitan dengan jasa perbankan. Hal ini berdampak pada meroketnya angka transaksi digital. Dengan transaksi digital masyarakat tidak harus bertatap muka, transaksi digital menjadi solusi bagi masyarakat yang khawatir akan bahaya COVID-19. Penggunaan internet banking, mobile banking, atau platform dan layanan pembayaran digital lainnya juga kian diminati karena kemudahan layanan yang diberikan. Mencermati digitalisasi teknologi yang kini semakin dibutuhkan, BCA terus bergerilya menawarkan beragam kemudahan bagi nasabah dalam bertransaksi finansial, khususnya dalam menyongsong era new normal saat ini. Tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa digitalisasi saat ini mendominasi berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat khususnya di tengah tantangan COVID-19 menuju era normal saat ini. Nilai koefisien regresi paling besar ditunjukkan oleh pengaruh privacy & s ecurity yaitu sebesar 0,350. Selanjutnya adalah pengaruh dari customer service an d support terhadap E-Banking customer satisfaction yaitu sebesar 0,308. Kemudian pengaruh dari reliability terhadap E-Banking loyalty yaitu sebesar 0.295. Berikutnya adalah pengaruh dari privacy & security terhadap E-Banking satisfacti on dengan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 0.294. Berikutnya adalah pengaruh dari r eliability terhadap E-Banking customer satisfaction dengan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 0.278. Berikutnya adalah pengaruh dari website design terhadap E-Bankin g loyalty dengan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 0.261. Berikutnya adalah pengaruh dari website design terhadap E-Banking customer satisfaction dengan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 0.254. Berikutnya adalah pengaruh dari E-Banking custo mer satisfaction terhadap E-Banking loyalty dengan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 0.232. dan yang terakhir adalah pengaruh dari customer service and support terhadap E-Banking loyalty dengan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 0,0228.. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat dikembangkan dengan menghubungkan faktor�faktor yang mempengaruhi E-Banking loyalty berdasarkan tingkat penghasilan, usia, dan jenis kelamin. Penelitian mendatang juga bisa memperluas cakupan responden yang akan diteliti, atau melakukan penelitiannya di daerah yang berbeda dengan penelitian yang telah dilakukan saat ini. Sehingga penelitian lanjutan yang dilakukan semakin memberikan gambaran luas terhadap E-Banking loyalty / Today we are faced with the Covid-19 pandemic situation which has now become endemic which has an impact on all economic sectors in Indonesia. The restriction on mobility by the Government has created a new order of life and habits in society, one of which is in transactions related to banking services. This has an impact on the skyrocketing number of digital transactions. With digital transactions, people do not have to meet face to face, digital transactions are a solution for people who are worried about the dangers of COVID-19. The use of internet banking, mobile banking, or other digital payment platforms and services is also increasingly in demand due to the ease of service provided. Observing the increasingly needed digitalization of technology, BCA continues to offer various conveniences for customers in financial transactions, especially in welcoming the current new normal era. It is undeniable that digitalization currently dominates various aspects of people's lives, especially amid the challenges of COVID-19 towards the current normal era. The largest regression coefficient value is indicated by the influence of privacy & security, which is 0.350. Next is the influence of customer service and support on E-Banking customer satisfaction, which is 0.308. Then the effect of reliability on E-Banking loyalty is 0.295. Next is the influence of privacy & security on E-Banking satisfaction with a regression coefficient of 0.294. Next is the effect of reliability on E-Banking customer satisfaction with a regression coefficient of 0.278. Next is the influence of website design on E-Banking loyalty with a regression coefficient value of 0.261. Next is the influence of website design on E-Banking customer satisfaction with a regression coefficient value of 0.254. Next is the effect of E-Banking customer satisfaction on E�Banking loyalty with a regression coefficient of 0.232. and the last is the effect of customer service and support on E-Banking loyalty with a regression coefficient value of 0.0228. Further research can be developed by connecting the factors that affect E-Banking loyalty based on income level, age, and gender. Future research can also expand the scope of respondents to be studied, or conduct their research in different areas from the current research. So that further research is carried out to provide a broad overview of E-Banking loyalty.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Gunawan, Charles
Thesis advisor
Suryaputra, Ronald
Thesis advisor
Danjaya, Yanuar
Thesis advisor
Thesis advisor
Uncontrolled Keywords: reliability; privacy & security; website design; customer service and support, e-Banking satisfaction dan e-Banking loyalty
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Users 5957 not found.
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2023 07:33
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2023 07:33

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