Matahelumual, Anatacia Rachel (2019) Penerapan rules and procedures kelas untuk meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa kelas vii pada mata pelajaran ips terpadu di smp Gunungsitoli. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.
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Melalui pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti di kelas VII SMP Gunungsitoli, ditemukan masalah utama yang terjadi yaitu kurangnya kedisiplinan siswa dalam menerapkan rules and procedures kelas. Penyebabnya adalah karena siswa belum terbiasa dengan sistem pendisiplinan di sekolah. Hal ini terlihat melalui perilaku siswa yang kurang disiplin dalam menaati rules and procedures kelas. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dilakukan dengan tujuan 1) mengetahui penerapan rules and procedures kelas dapat meningkatkan kedisiplinan dan 2) untuk menjelaskan langkah-langkah penerapan rules and procedures kelas agar dapat meningkatkan kedisiplinan. Model PTK yang digunakan yaitu model PTK Pelton. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data yaitu RPP, umpan balik mentor, jurnal refleksi, lembar observasi disiplin dan angket siswa. Berdasarkan analisis data, maka ketercapaian indikator kedisiplinan siswa mengalami peningkatan yaitu menaati rules and procedures kelas dengan persentase sebesar 79.65%, aktif dalam pembelajaran dengan persentase sebesar 87,14%, menggunakan waktu belajar dengan efektif dan efisien dengan persentase sebesar 90% dan mengerjakan serta mengumpulkan tugas tepat waktu dengan persentase sebesar 100%. Adapun langkah-langkah penerapan rules and procedures yang diterapkan yaitu 1) menyampaikan rules and procedures kelas dengan jelas di awal pembelajaran, 2) mempraktikkan hand signal kepada siswa, 3) memberikan instruksi dengan jelas kepada siswa selama pembelajaran berlangsung, dan 4) memberikan konsekuensi kepada siswa yang tidak menaati rules and procedures kelas maka dapat meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa di kelas VII SMP Gunungsitoli. Selain itu, pemilihan metode pembelajaran tertentu juga dapat meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa, karena secara bersamaan guru dapat menerapkan rules and procedures kelas pada saat proses pembelajaran./ Based on observations done by the researcher in the VII class of SMP Gunungsitoli, a major problem was found, namely a lack of student discipline in applying classroom rules and procedures. This is because students are not used to the disciplinary system in the school; this can be seen when the learning process takes place, students show behaviors that are less disciplined in adhering to the classroom rules and procedures. So, classroom action research (CAR) is conducted to 1) know if the application of rules and procedures can improve discipline and 2) to explain the steps for applying classroom rules and procedures in order to improve discipline. The CAR model used is the Pelton CAR model. The instruments used for data collection are lesson plans, mentor feedback, reflection journals, disciplinary observation sheets, and student questionnaires. Based on data analysis, the achievement of student disciplinary indicates there was an increase namely in obeying class rules and procedures with a percentage of 79.65%, active in learning with a percentage of 87.14%, using effective and efficient study time with a percentage of 90% and working and collecting assignments on time with a percentage of 100%. Based on the results of data analysis, the steps for implementing the rules and procedures are 1) clearly conveying class rules and procedures at the beginning of learning, 2) practicing hand signals to the students, 3) giving instructions clearly to students during learning, and 4) giving consequences to students who do not obey the rules and class procedures so that they can improve the discipline of students in the VII SMP Gunungsitoli. In addition, the selection of certain learning methods can also improve student discipline, because simultaneously the teacher can apply classroom rules and procedures during the learning process.
Item Type: | Thesis (Bachelor) |
Creators: | Creators NIM Email ORCID Matahelumual, Anatacia Rachel NIM00000018509 UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors: | Contribution Contributors NIDN/NIDK Email Thesis advisor Sitinjak, Debora Suryani UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | rules and procedures kelas; kedisiplinan; penelitian tindakan kelas |
Subjects: | L Education > LB Theory and practice of education L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools |
Divisions: | University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Economics Education Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Economics Education |
Depositing User: | Dianty Greas Athalya Hutagalung |
Date Deposited: | 30 Mar 2023 00:50 |
Last Modified: | 30 Mar 2023 00:50 |
URI: | |