Analisis pengaruh food quality, service quality dan ambience terhadap willingness to pay melalui perceived value pelanggan bale sere resto & café di Surabaya

Wicaksono, Mochammad Dimas (2018) Analisis pengaruh food quality, service quality dan ambience terhadap willingness to pay melalui perceived value pelanggan bale sere resto & café di Surabaya. Masters thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.

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Industri makanan dan minuman di Indonesia diproyeksi masih menjadi salah satu sektor andalan penopang pertumbuhan manufaktur dan ekonomi nasional pada tahun depan. Peran penting sektor strategis ini terlihat dari kontribusinya yang konsisten dan signfikan terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) industri non-migas serta peningkatan realisasi investasi. Kementerian Perindustrian mencatat, sumbangan industri makanan dan minuman kepada PDB industri non-migas mencapai 34,95 persen pada triwulan III tahun 2017. Bale Sere Resto & Café adalah salah satu restoran yang memiliki segmen untuk kelas menengah ke atas yang berdiri sejak 20 Mei tahun 2016 di Surabaya. Nama Bale Sere terdiri dari dua kata “Bale“ dan “Sere“. Bale dalam bahasa jawa memiliki makna rumah/pendapa dan Sere merupakan nama salah satu rempah rempah tradisional, dan makna dari Bale Sere adalah rumah/tempat yang nyaman menyajikan berbagai menu makanan berbumbu rempah rempah yang sehat dan dapat mengikat kolesterol kolesterol jahat. Bale Sere Resto & Café menggabungkan suatu konsep yang sepadan antara wooden classic dengan desain dan ambience yang mendukung segala hal, dimana interiornya mayoritas menggunakan bahan dasar kayu dengan lampu lampu gantung khas arab yang unik, menjadikan suasana terkesan homey. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisa pengaruh variabel Food Quality, variabel Service Quality, variabel Ambience terhadap Willingness to pay melalui Perceived Quality Bale Sere Resto & Café di Surabaya. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis Structural Equation Model (SEM) dan software AMOS 22.0. Kuesioner disebarkan kepada 100 responden sebagai sampel dimana karakteristik responden yakni terdiri dari pria dan wanita pada rentang usia 18-65 tahun, konsumen yang berdomisili di Surabaya, sudah pernah membeli dan mengkonsumsi produk Bale Sere Resto & Café dalam enam bulan terakhir, serta mengetahui karakteristik yang dimiliki produk-produk Bale Sere Resto & Café. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel Food Quality berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel Perceived Value, Variabel Service Quality berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel Perceived Value, Variabel Ambience berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel Perceived Value , Variabel Perceived Value berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel Willingness To Pay / The food and beverage industry in Indonesia is projected to still be one of the mainstay sectors supporting growth in manufacturing and the national economy next year. The important role of the strategic sector can be seen from its consistent and significant contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the non-oil and gas industry and the increase in investment realization. The Ministry of Industry noted that the contribution of the food and beverage industry to the GDP of the non-oil and gas industry reached 34.95 percent in the third quarter of 2017. Bale Sere Resto & Café is one restaurant that has a segment for the upper middle class that was established on May 20, 2016 in Surabaya. The name Bale Sere consists of two words "Bale" and "Sere". Bale in Javanese has the meaning of house / pendapa and Sere is the name of one of the traditional spices, and the meaning of Bale Sere is a home / place that is comfortable serving a variety of healthy spices and can bind bad cholesterol cholesterol. Bale Sere Resto & Café combines a commensurate concept between wooden classic with design and ambience that supports everything, where the majority of the interior uses wood-based materials with unique Arabic lamps, making the atmosphere seem homey. This study aims to analyze the effect of Food Quality variables, Service Quality variables, Ambience variables on Willingness to pay through Perceived Quality Bale Sere Resto & Café in Surabaya. By using a quantitative approach with Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis techniques and AMOS 22.0 software. The questionnaire was distributed to 100 respondents as a sample where the characteristics of respondents consisted of men and women in the age range of 18-65 years, consumers who lived in Surabaya, had purchased and consumed Bale Sere Resto & Café products in the last six months, and knew the characteristics owned by Bale Sere Resto & Café products. The results showed that the Food Quality variable had a significant effect on the Perceived Value variable, Service Quality Variables had a significant effect on the Perceived Value variable, the Ambience variable had a significant effect on the Perceived Value variable, the Perceived Value variable had a significant effect on the Willingness To Pay variable
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Wicaksono, Mochammad Dimas
Thesis advisor
Ronald, Ronald
Thesis advisor
Amelia, Amelia
Uncontrolled Keywords: food quality; perceived value; ambience; perceived value; perceived value; bale sere resto & café
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Master of Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Master of Management
Depositing User: Rafael Rudy
Date Deposited: 05 May 2023 01:14
Last Modified: 05 May 2023 01:14

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