Pengaruh food quality, price, interpersonal service quality, physical environment quality, dan brand image terhadap customer loyalty melalui satisfaction pada pelanggan warunk up normal Surabaya

Sentausa, Benni Pasca (2018) Pengaruh food quality, price, interpersonal service quality, physical environment quality, dan brand image terhadap customer loyalty melalui satisfaction pada pelanggan warunk up normal Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya.

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Saat ini industri makanan dan minuman adalah sektor dengan kontribusi terbesar ekonomi Indonesia, yaitu 5,5 persen produk domestik bruto nasional dan 31 persen produk domestik bruto industri pengolahan nonmigas. Perkembangan industri makanan dan minuman di Surabaya semakin bertumbuh didukung dengan industri pariwisata di Surabaya yang juga semakin berkembang setiap tahunnya. Kenaikan tren ini menandakan bahwa persaingan antar restoran saat ini semakin susah. Oleh karena itu, para pengusaha restoran berusaha merancang strategi menarik untuk membuat pelanggannya tetap setia pada usahanya. Loyalitas pelanggan (customer loyalty) memiliki peranan penting di tengah persaingan ketat antar restoran. Hal ini dikarenakan indikator dari loyalitas pelanggan adalah repeat purchase, retention, dan referrals. Warunk Up Normal merupakan jenis restoran Cafetaria (atau Kafe) yang berkonsep seperti warung yang menjual makanan rakyat pada umumnya. Menu utama yang ditawarkan oleh Warunk Up Normal adalah Indomie, roti bakar, susu segar, dan kopi. Warunk Up Normal mengusung tema menjual makanan sederhana dalam konsep kafe. Suasana kafe sangat terasa di dalam setiap desain bangunan dari Warunk Up Normal sehingga mampu membuat pengunjung merasa betah dan nyaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membahas lebih dalam dan detail mengenai pengaruh dan hubungannya dalam setiap faktor-faktor yang ada dalam menciptakan loyalty pada pelanggan. Adapun variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari satisfaction, food quality (kualitas makanan), price, interpersonal service quality, physical environment quality, dan brand image Sampel penelitian dari penelitian ini adalah para pelanggan dari Warunk Up Normal di Surabaya dengan jumlah responden adalah 120 orang. Hasil pengumpulan data akan diolah dengan menggunakan SPSS. Temuan empiris tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa hubungan Food Quality memiliki pengaruh terhadap Satisfaction dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.326. Price memiliki pengaruh terhadap Satisfaction dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.248. Interpersonal Service Quality memiliki pengaruh terhadap Satisfaction dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.128. Physical Environment Quality memiliki pengaruh terhadap Satisfaction dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.203. Brand Image memiliki pengaruh terhadap Satisfaction dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.191. Satisfaction memiliki pengaruh terhadap Customer Loyalty dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.662. / Currently food and beverage industry is the sector with the largest contribution of the Indonesian economy, which is 5.5 percent of the national gross domestic product and 31 percent of the gross domestic product of the non-oil and gas processing industry. The development of food and beverage industry in Surabaya is growing because of the support from tourism industry in Surabaya, which is also growing every year. The upward trend indicates that competition between restaurants is getting harder. Therefore, restaurant entrepreneurs are trying to design attractive strategies to keep their customers loyal to their business. Customer loyalty has an important role in the midst of intense competition between restaurants. This is because indicators of customer loyalty are repeat purchase, retention, and referrals. Warunk Up Normal is a type of Cafeteria restaurant which concept like a stall that sells people's food in general. The main menu offered by Warunk Up Normal is Indomie, toast, fresh milk, and coffee. Warunk Up Normal theme is selling simple food in cafe concept. Cafe atmosphere is felt in every building design from Warunk Up Normal so as to make visitors feel at home and comfortable. The purpose of this study is to discuss more deeply and in detail about the influence and relationship in each of the factors that exist in creating customer loyalty. The variables used in this research are consist of satisfaction, food quality, price, interpersonal service quality, physical environment quality, and brand image The sample of this study is the customers of Warunk Up Normal in Surabaya with the number of respondents is 120 person. The results of data collection will be processed by using SPSS. These empirical findings indicate that the Service Quality relationship has an influence on CRM Quality with regression coefficient of 0.152. Customer Satisfaction has an influence on CRM Quality with regression coefficient of 0.445. Customer Value has an influence on CRM Quality with regression coefficient of 0.152. CRM Quality has an influence on Customer Loyalty with regression coefficient of 0.669. Food Quality has influence on Satisfaction with regression coefficient of 0.326. Price has influence on Satisfaction with regression coefficient of 0.248. Interpersonal Service Quality has influence on Satisfaction with regression coefficient of 0.128. Physical Environment Quality has influence on Satisfaction with regression coefficient of 0.203. Brand Image has influence on Satisfaction with regression coefficient of 0.191. Satisfaction has influence on Customer Loyalty with regression coefficient of 0.662
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Sentausa, Benni Pasca
Thesis advisor
Sondakh, Oliandes
Thesis advisor
Santoso, Wiliam
Uncontrolled Keywords: Customer loyalty; satisfaction; food quality; price; interpersonal service quality; physical environment quality; brand image
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Rafael Rudy
Date Deposited: 05 Jul 2023 02:02
Last Modified: 05 Jul 2023 02:02

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