Perancangan kawasan perumahan dengan konsep collective-individualism di Seorim-dong, Seoul

Ivena, Natasha (2023) Perancangan kawasan perumahan dengan konsep collective-individualism di Seorim-dong, Seoul. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Seorim-dong merupakan kawasan dengan proporsi rumah tangga tunggal (single- person household) yang tergolong tinggi, dan didominasi oleh kaum muda dan kaum paruh baya. Bagi rumah tangga tunggal, hunian bertingkat rendah menjadi tiga tipe single-user unit, yaitu goshiwon (kos-kosan satu kamar murah), asrama, maupun unit hunian modern tipe studio. Fenomena banyaknya rumah tangga tunggal (single-person household) berbanding lurus dengan fenomena The Rise of Living Alone, yaitu meningkatnya minat masyarakat untuk hidup sendiri. Kaum muda enggan untuk menikah dan membangun rumah tangga karena tingginya biaya hidup, salah satunya dalam hal kepemilikan rumah dan mahalnya biaya pendidikan anak. Meningkatnya minat untuk hidup sendiri menunjukkan bahwa penduduk Korea Selatan mulai beralih dari nilai konvensional yang menekankan pada ikatan keluarga dan kebersamaan menuju nilai individualistis yang menekankan kemandirian dan kebebasan pribadi. Meskipun fenomena The Rise of Living Alone tidak dapat dihindari, manusia sebagai makhluk sosial tetap membutuhkan rasa kepemilikan dalam suatu komunitas. Perancangan ini bertujuan menghasilkan rancangan hunian yang mengakomodasi keseimbangan antara prinsip individualisme dan kolektivisme. Peneliti menemukan bahwa konsep collective- individualism dapat diterapkan pada hunian co-living dengan mengikuti aspek desain collective-individualism dalam skala perumahan (enclosure, layering, dan layered privacy) dan dalam skala perkotaan (physical proximity, shared identities, dan invitation). Proses perancangan dimulai dengan melakukan analisis site, serta eksplorasi perancangan perumahan dengan konsep collective-individualism. Perancangan dilakukan melalui eksplorasi tipe dan dimensi unit, membuat module block, eksplorasi terhadap bagaimana block modular dapat menciptakan intermediary spaces, dan mengembangkan prototype serta konfigurasi massing block pada tapak. Eksplorasi menghasilkan perancangan co-living yang terdiri atas fase Boundary, fase Shared Spaces, fase Living Spaces, fase Intermediary Areas, dan fase Adjusting. Perancangan juga dilengkapi dengan pengembangan ruang publik pada area waterfront yang menjadi konteks. Perngembangan ruang publik juga memanfaatkan mural yang menjadi salah satu karakteristik khusus dari Seorim-dong. Perancangan ini merupakan hasil kerja sama Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas Pelita Harapan dengan Soongsil University Korea Selatan yang didukung data dari Seoul Metropolitan Government. / Seorim-dong is an area with a relatively high proportion of single-person households, and is dominated by youth and middle-aged people. For single-person households, low-rise dwellings are divided into three types of single-user units, namely goshiwon (cheap one-room boarding houses), dormitories, and studio-type modern residential units. The phenomenon of many single-person households aligns to the phenomenon of The Rise of Living Alone, which is the increasing interest of people in living alone. Young people are reluctant to get married and build a household because of high living cost, such as housing ownership and the high education cost for their children. The increasing interest in living alone shows that South Koreans are starting to shift from conventional values that emphasize family ties and togetherness to individualistic values that emphasize personal independence and freedom. Though The Rise of Living Alone is inevitable, human as social creature needs a sense of belonging in a community. This design aims to produce a residential design that accommodates a balance between the principles of individualism and collectivism. The researcher found that the concept of collective-individualism can be applied to co-living dwellings by following aspects of collective-individualism design on a housing scale (enclosure, layering, and layered privacy) and on an urban scale (physical proximity, shared identities, and invitation). The design process begins with conducting site analysis, as well as exploring housing designs with the concept of collective-individualism. The design is carried out through exploration of unit types and dimensions, creating module blocks, exploring how modular blocks can create intermediary spaces, and developing prototypes and the configuration of the mass blocks on the site. The exploration resulted in a co-living design consisting of the Boundary phase, the Shared Spaces phase, the Living Spaces phase, the Intermediary Areas phase, and the Adjusting phase. The design is also complemented by the development of public space in the waterfront area which is the context. The development of public spaces also makes use of murals which are one of the special characteristics of Seorim- dong. This design is the result of a collaboration between the Pelita Harapan University Architecture Study Program and Soongsil University, South Korea, which is supported by data from the Seoul Metropolitan Government.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Ivena, Natasha
Thesis advisor
Dewi, Julia
Uncontrolled Keywords: individualisme; kolektivisme; co-living
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Natasha Ivena
Date Deposited: 12 Jul 2023 09:08
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2023 09:08

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