The Political bargaining model of Indonesia's nickel industry with Chinese multinational corporations

Thung, Jacquiline (2023) The Political bargaining model of Indonesia's nickel industry with Chinese multinational corporations. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Saat ini, nikel merupakan mineral yang paling dicari di dunia karena aplikasi multi-industrinya. Pada tahun 2022, Indonesia merupakan produsen dan pemilik cadangan nikel terbesar di dunia dengan total produksi dan cadangan masing-masing sebesar 1.000.000 ton dan 21.000.000 ton. Secara statistik, Indonesia menyumbang lebih dari 30% produksi nikel dunia pada 2019-2020. Posisi ini tidak lepas kebijakan dari larangan ekspor bijih nikel dan kebijakan hilirisasi yang diberlakukan pemerintah. Oleh karena itu, banyak perusahaan multinasional asal Tiongkok datang untuk membangun fasilitas pengolahan dan pemurnian di Indonesia. Tulisan ini ingin mengkaji pengelolahan hilir nikel berdasarkan hubungan antara perusahaan multinational Tiongkok dengan pemerintah Indonesia sebagai Host. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, yang diperoleh dari data primer melalui wawancara pribadi dengan pemangku kepentingan terkait, dan data sekunder melalui publikasi pemerintah, jurnal, dan buku. Selain itu, menggunakan model tawar-menawar politik yang dicetuskan oleh Lorraine Eden, Stenie Lenway, dan Douglas A. Schuler, sebagai rekonseptualisasi obsolescing bargain model yang diturunkan dari factor obsolescing bargain antara hubugnan MNCs-Host State oleh Raymond Vernon untuk membedah tujuan relatif masing-masing pihak, sumber daya, kendala, dan akhirnya pada hasil dari kebijakan tersebut. Analisis menunjukan bahwa pada tahap saat ini, jika kedua belah pihak melakukan tawar-menawar politik terhadap kebijakan industry, kekuatan tawar-menawar akan berada di pihak Pemerintah Indonesia. Namun, pengembangan pengelolahan hilir nikel masih belum optimal dan masih banyak ruang perbaikan untuk membangun sinergi yang lebih baik lagi antara MNC Tiongkok dan Pemerintah Indonesia. / Nickel is currently the most sought-after mineral in the world due to its multi-industrial applications. In 2022, Indonesia is the biggest nickel producers and reserves in the world with total productions and reserves for 1.000.000 tons and 21.000.000 tons, respectively. Statistically, Indonesia has contributed more than 30% of the world’s nickel production in 2019-2020. This position is owed to the export ban on nickel ore and downstream processing policies imposed by the government. Hence, many Chinese MNCs came swarming to build processing and refining facilities in Indonesia. This paper would like to examine the nickel downstream processing policies based on the relations between the Chinese MNCs and Indonesian government as the Host State. This research will use the qualitative approach, derived from primary data through personal interview with a relevant stakeholder, and secondary data through government publications, journals, and books. Additionally, using the political bargaining model coined by Lorraine Eden, Stenie Lenway, and Douglas A. Schuler, as the reconceptualization of the obsolescing bargain model derived from the obsolescing bargain factors of MNC-Host State relations by Raymond Vernon to dissect each party’s relative goals, resources, constraints, and outcomes of the policies. The analyses suggests that, at the current stage, if both parties are to conduct a political bargaining on the industrial policies, the bargaining power are tipping in favor for the Government of Indonesia. However, the development of nickel downstream processing is not optimal yet and still a lot of room of improvements to build even better synergies between Chinese MNCs and the Indonesian government.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Thung, Jacquiline
Thesis advisor
Sambuaga, Jerry
Uncontrolled Keywords: nickel ; multinational corporations ; political bargain model ; Indonesia ; People’s Republic of China
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Master of International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Master of International Relations
Depositing User: Users 29686 not found.
Date Deposited: 04 Aug 2023 06:34
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2023 06:01

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