Analisis pengaruh store image, product signatureness, quality variation, terhadap perceived quality dan repurchase intentionpelanggan value plus hypermart di Surabaya

Palit, Seisy Elvira (2019) Analisis pengaruh store image, product signatureness, quality variation, terhadap perceived quality dan repurchase intentionpelanggan value plus hypermart di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pertumbuhan bisnis ritel di Indonesia menunjukkan angka yang cukup signifikan. Dalam hal ini menuntut perusahaan ritel untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan dan menyesuaikan keinginan pelanggan sehingga perusahaan harus mampu mendeteksi apa yang menjadi kebutuhan pasar dan keinginan konsumen. Oleh karena itu hadirnya Hypermart sangat berpengaruh dalam perkembangan industri ritel, khususnya di Surabaya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisa pengaruh variabel store image, product signatureness, quality variation terhadap perceived quality dan repurchase intention pelanggan Value Plus Hypermart di Surabaya. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu pada laki-laki dan wanita, berusia 17-60 tahun yang tinggal di kota Surabaya sejumlah 100 responden yang melakukan pembelian untuk keperluan pribadi dan pernah melakukan pembelian dalam kurun waktu 2 kali dalam 3 bulan terakhir. Untuk pengolahan dan penganalisaan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan SPSS 22 sebagai software untuk mengolah data. Temuan empiris tersebut mengindikasi bahwa hubungan store image memiliki pengaruh terhadap perceived quality dengan koefisian regresi sebesar 0.232, product signatureness memiliki pengaruh terhadap perceived quality dengan koefisian regresi sebesar 0.289, quality variation memiliki pengaruh terhadap perceived quality dengan koefisian regresi sebesar 0.205, store image memiliki pengaruh terhadap repurchase intention dengan koefisian regresi sebesar 0.219, product signatureness tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap product signatureness dengan koefisian regresi sebesar 0.113 quality variation memiliki pengaruh terhadap repurchase intention dengan koefisian regresi sebesar 0.196, perceived quality memiliki pengaruh terhadap repurchase intention dengan koefisian regresi sebesar 0.296, Customer Satisfaction memiliki pengaruh terhadap Repurchase Intention dengan koefisian regresi sebesar 0.322 / The growth of the retail business in Indonesia shows a significant number. In this case, requires retail companies to be able to meet customer needs and adjust customer desires so that the company must be able to detect what the market needs and desires of consumers. Therefore the presence of Hypermart is very influential in the development of the retail industry, especially in Surabaya. This research is intended to analyze the effect of store image variables, product signatureness, a quality variation on the perceived quality and repurchase the customer intention of Value Plus Hypermart in Surabaya. The sample used in this study is for men and women, aged 17-60 years who live in the city of Surabaya with 100 respondents who made purchases for personal needs and have made purchases within 2 times in the last 3 months. For processing and analyzing data in this study, that is by using SPSS 22 as a software for processing data. The empirical findings indicate that the store image relationship has an influence on perceived quality with a regression coefficient of 0.232, product signatureness have an influence on perceived quality with a regression coefficient of 0.289, quality variation has an influence on perceived quality with a regression coefficient of 0.205, store image has an influence on repurchase intention with regression coefficient of 0.219, product signatureness have no effect on repurchase intention with regression coefficients of 0.113 quality variation has an effect on repurchase intention with regression coefficient of 0.196, perceived quality has an influence on repurchase intention with regression coefficient of 0.296, Customer Satisfaction has an effect on repurchase intention with regression coefficient of 0.322
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Palit, Seisy Elvira
Thesis advisor
Amelia, Amelia
Thesis advisor
Sondakh, Oliandes
Uncontrolled Keywords: store image; product signatureness; quality variation; perceived quality; repurchase intention
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Rafael Rudy
Date Deposited: 08 Sep 2023 04:46
Last Modified: 08 Sep 2023 04:46

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