Prabowo, Myka Alim (2017) Analisis pengaruh transformational leadership, transactional leadership, dan organizational culture terhadap learning organization dan employee satisfaction pada karyawan pre – school perguruan islam raudlatul jannah di Sidoarjo. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya.
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Dalam pembangunan bangsa, atau “nation building”, saat ini cenderung menerapkan prinsip-prinsip faham liberalisme, yang jelas tidak sesuai dan kontradiktif dengan nilai, budaya, dan karakter bangsa Indonesia. Hasil-hasil survei internasional sering menunjukkan bahwa dalam hal yang baik, angka untuk Indonesia cenderung rendah, tetapi dalam hal yang buruk cenderung tinggi. Contoh, data Tranparency International menunjukkan persepsi tentang tingkat korupsi di sektor publik, dari 177 negara dan dengan 177 skor, Indonesia berada di rangking 114 dengan skor 32. Ini di bawah Ethiopia yang berada pada posisi 111. Menurut Rostiyah (2000) Menjelaskan bahwa fungsi dan tugas guru profesional adalah (1) Menyerahkan kebudayaan kepada anak didik berupa kepandaian, kecakapan dan pengalaman-pengalaman, (2) Membentuk kepribadian anak yang harmonis sesuai cita-cita dan dasar negara kita Pancasila.
Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) adalah suatu upaya pembinaan yang ditujukan kepada anak sejak lahir sampai dengan usia enam tahun yang dilakukan melalui pemberian rangsangan pendidikan untuk membantu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jasmani dan rohani agar anak memiliki kesiapan dalam memasuki pendidikan lebih lanjut. Oleh karena itu konsep Raudlatul Jannah Preschool berusaha memahami kebutuhan khusus dan kebutuhan individual anak, Raudlatul Jannah Preschool diarahkan untuk memfasilitasi setiap anak dengan lingkungan belajar dan bimbingan belajar yang tepat agar anak dapat berkembang sesuai tugas perkembangannya. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut menjadi perlu untuk memperhatikan guru atau seorang pendidik yaitu dengan meningkatkan Employee Satisfaction.
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisa pengaruh variabel Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, dan Organizational Culture terhadap Learning Organization dalam upaya meningkatkan Employee Satisfaction pada karyawan Pre – School Perguruan Islam di Sidoarjo. Metode sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu full sampling, dimana karyawan yang bekerja di Pre – School Perguruan Islam di Sidoarjo dipimpin oleh satu pemimpin yang sama. Responden dari penelitian ini berjumlah 30 karyawan. Untuk pengolahan dan penganalisaan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan SPSS sebagai software untuk mengolah data. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) dengan software 22.0 sebagai software untuk mengolah data kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Transformational Leadership terhadap Learning Organization dengan nilai sebesar 0.354, dan Transformational Leadership berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Learning Organization. Nilai koefisien antara variabel Transactional Leadership terhadap Learning Organization sebesar 0.290, dan Transactional Leadership terhadap Learning Organization. Organizational Culture terhadap Learning Organization memiliki nilai koefisien regresi yaitu sebesar 0.260, dan pengaruh Organizational Culture positif dan signifikan terhadap Learning Organization. Nilai koefisien regresi antara variabel Transformational Leadership terhadap Employee Satisfaction sebesar 0.230, dan pengaruh Transformational Leadership signifikan terhadap Employee Satisfaction. Nilai koefisien regresi antara variabel Transactional Leadership positif dan signifikan terhadap Employee Satisfaction sebesar 0.227, dan pengaruh Transactional Leadership terhadap Employee Satisfaction. Nilai koefisien regresi antara variabel Organizational Culture terhadap Employee Satisfaction sebesar 0.200, dan pengaruh Organizational Culture positif dan signifikan terhadap Employee Satisfaction. Nilai koefisien regresi variabel Learning Organization terhadap Employee Satisfaction sebesar 0.299, dan pengaruh Learning Organization positif dan signifikan terhadap Employee Satisfaction / In the nation's development, or "nation building", principles of liberalism is most apply, which is clearly inappropriate and contradictory to the values, culture, and character of Indonesian. International survey results show that in good aspects, the numbers for Indonesian tend to be low, but in bad things tend to be high. Transparency International's data shows perceptions of corruption levels in the public sector, from 177 countries and with 177 scores, Indonesia is ranked 114th with a score of 32. This is below Ethiopia which is at 111. According to Rostiyah (2000) the duties of professional teachers are (1) Submit the culture to the students in the form of intelligence, skills and experiences, (2) Establish a harmonious child's personality according to the ideals and foundations of pancasila.
Early Childhood Education is the only thing effort to coaching that focus on children from birth up to the age of six that is done through the provision of educational stimuli to fix growth, physical and spiritual development, in hope that children have readiness in entering further education. Therefore the Raudlatul Jannah Preschool concept seeks to understand the specific needs and individual needs for children, Raudlatul Jannah Preschool is directed to facilitate every children with good environment and learning guidance, so the children could develop their potency by their development tasks. By the case, pay attention to teachers or educators by increasing Employee Satisfaction would be very important. This study aimed to analyze the effect of variable Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, and Organizational Culture of Learning Organization in an effort to increase Employee Satisfaction at the Head Office employees of Perguruan Islam Raudlatul Jannah Pre - School in Sidoarjo. Sampling method in this research is full sampling. 30 employees as respondents by Perguruan Islam Raudlatul Jannah Pre - School. Processing and analyzing the data using SPSS 22.0.
The results showed that the Transformational Leadership on the Learning Organization with a value of 0.354 ,and a significant effect on the Transformational Leadership to Learning Organization. The coefficient of the variable Transactional Leadership on the Learning Organization amounted to 0.290, and Transactional Leadership significant positive effect on the Learning Organization. Organizational Culture of the Learning Organization has a regression coefficient that is equal to 0.264, and a significant positive influence on the Organizational Culture to Learning Organization. Regression coefficients between variables Transformational Leadership on Employee Satisfaction of 0.230, and the significant positive influence of Transformational Leadership on Employee Satisfaction. Transformational Leadership significant positive to Employee Satisfaction. Regression coefficients between variables Transactional Leadership on Employee Satisfaction at 0.237, and Transactional Leadership influence of significant positive to Employee Satisfaction. Regression coefficients between the variables of the Organizational Culture for 0.200 Employee Satisfaction, and Organizational Culture influences significantly positive on Employee Satisfaction. Variable regression coefficient value of the Employee Satisfaction and Learning Organization of 0.299, and a significant positive influence on the Learning Organization to Employee Satisfaction
Item Type: | Thesis (Bachelor) |
Creators: | Creators NIM Email ORCID Prabowo, Myka Alim NIM01120140047 UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors: | Contribution Contributors NIDN/NIDK Email Thesis advisor Amelia, Amelia UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED Thesis advisor Gunawan, Hananiel M. UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | transformational leadership; transactional leadership; organizational culture; learning organization; employee satisfaction |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management |
Divisions: | University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management |
Depositing User: | Rafael Rudy |
Date Deposited: | 03 Oct 2023 08:31 |
Last Modified: | 03 Oct 2023 08:31 |
URI: | |