Analisis pengaruh mall environment, customer perceived value, dan costumer satisfaction terhadap custumer loyalty pengunjung galaxy mall Surabaya

Shofiyah, Ummu (2017) Analisis pengaruh mall environment, customer perceived value, dan costumer satisfaction terhadap custumer loyalty pengunjung galaxy mall Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya.

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Bisnis ritel sudah cukup berkembang, Khususnya di indonesia. Hal ini dengan semakin banyak bermunculan bisnis ritel tradisional yang mulai membenahi diri menjadi bisnis ritel modern maupun bisnis ritel modern yang baru lahir. Perubahan dan perubahan kondisi. Perubahan modern. Pengelolaan ritel modern tentunya membutuhkan dukungan infrastruktur yang dibutuhkan, terutama kebutuhan terhadap tersedianya teknologi tinggi khususnya dalam bidang informasi dan komunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh signifikan antara variabel mal terhadap pelanggan yang dirasakan nilai pengunjung Galaxy Mall Surabaya. Kemudian Untuk mengetahui pengaruh signifikan antara lingkungan mall, dan customer perceived value terhadap kepuasan pelanggan galaxy mal Surabaya. Selain itu untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara variabel Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan Galaxy Mall Surabaya. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pengunjung dari Galaxy Mall Surabaya yang terdiri dari pria dan wanita yang melakukan belanja di galaxy mal minimal dua kali dalam tiga bulan terakhir, dengan tingkat pendapatan perbulan Rp. <3.000.000 sampai Rp> 9.000.000. Dan usia 18-60 tahun dimana usia tersebut merupakan masa dewasa dini (kotler dan Amstrong, 2010). Pelanggan yang berdomisili di Surabaya, dan pernah di galaksi di Surabaya minimal dua kali dalam tiga bulan terakhir.Sampel yang di ambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya mal lingkungan positif yang searah terhadap Nilai Perperoleh Pelanggan sebesar 0,615. Kepuasan Pelanggan positif yang searah terhadap Customer Loyalty sebesar 0,633. Mall Lingkungan positif yang searah terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan sebesar 0,258. Nilai Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan sebesar 0,420 / Retail business is quite developed, Especially in Indonesia. This is with more and more emerging traditional retail business that began to fix itself into a modern retail business as well as a new modern retail business. Changes and changes in conditions. Modern changes. Modern retail management certainly needs the necessary infrastructure support, especially the need for the availability of high technology especially in the field of information and communication. This study aims to determine the significant influence between variable mall to customer perceived value of visitors Galaxy Mall Surabaya. Then To know the significant influence between mall environment, and customer perceived value to customer satisfaction galaxy mal Surabaya. In addition to know the influence between customer satisfaction variables on customer loyalty Galaxy Mall Surabaya. The sample used in this research is the visitors of Galaxy Mall Surabaya consisting of men and women who do shopping at galaxy mall at least twice in the last three months, with monthly income level Rp. <3,000,000 to Rp> 9,000,000. And the age of 18-60 years where age is an early adulthood (kotler and Armstrong, 2010). Customers domiciled in Surabaya, and have been in the galaxy in Surabaya at least twice in the last three months. Samples taken using purposive sampling technique. The result of the research shows that there is a positive environmental mall which is in line with the Customer Perceived Value of 0.615. Positive Customer Satisfaction is in line with Customer Loyalty of 0.633. Mall A positive environment in the direction of Customer Satisfaction of 0.258. Value of Customer Satisfaction to Customer Satisfaction of 0.420
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Shofiyah, Ummu
Thesis advisor
Amelia, Amelia
Thesis advisor
Gunawan, Hananiel M.
Uncontrolled Keywords: mall environment; customer value; customer satisfaction; customer loyalty
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Rafael Rudy
Date Deposited: 04 Oct 2023 07:58
Last Modified: 04 Oct 2023 07:58

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