Manalu, Selly Rotua (2023) Penerapan peraturan dan prosedur kelas sebagai upaya mengembangkan sikap disiplin siswa kelas IX dalam pembelajaran. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.
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Sikap disiplin berdampak signifikan membantu siswa untuk mengendalikan diri,
lebih fokus, dan kelas cenderung lebih aman. Sebagai murid Yesus yang bermoral
siswa diharapkan dapat semakin bertumbuh dalam menjalankan perintah Tuhan
melalui peraturan yang ada. Kenyataannya aspek afektif ini masih sering
terlewatkan, sehingga perlu diperhatikan seperti hasil observasi di salah satu
sekolah Kristen Cikarang kelas IX, menunjukkan siswa terlambat masuk kelas
tanpa izin, kurangnya rasa menghargai di lihat dari siswa yang asik mengobrol, dan
keterlambatan mengumpulkan tugas. Peran guru sebagai fasilitator tidaklah cukup
membawa siswa mengenal Kristus, melainkan guru sebagai pemegang otoritas
menuntun dan membimbing siswa untuk memiliki dan memancarkan karakter
Kristus. Penerapan peraturan dan prosedur dinilai tepat membentuk sikap disiplin
karena dapat memberikan arahan akan tindakan yang benar. Tujuan penelitian ini
untuk mengetahui dan memaparkan bagaimana penerapan peraturan dan prosedur
kelas sebagai upaya mengembangkan sikap disiplin siswa melalui penggunaan
metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
penerapan peraturan dan prosedur kelas dapat mengembangkan sikap disiplin siswa
yaitu hadir dan mengumpulkan tugas tepat waktu serta adanya rasa saling
menghargai. Untuk hasil yang maksimal, guru sebagai manager kelas perlu sabar,
konsisten dengan disertai pujian dan hukuman sebagai penguat penerapan. Saran
untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah agar melakukan penelitian dengan kurun waktu
yang lebih lama agar diperoleh hasil peningkatan siswa secara akurat.
Kata Kunci: Sikap Disiplin, Peraturan dan Prosedur Kelas, dan Karakter Kristus/A disciplined attitude has a significant impact in helping students to control
themselves, be more focused, and the class tends to be safer. As moral disciples of
Jesus, students are expected to grow in carrying out God's commands through
existing regulations. In fact, this affective aspect is still often overlooked, so it needs
to be paid attention to, such as the results of observations at one of the Cikarang
Christian schools in class IX, showing that students were late for class without
permission, a lack of respect was seen from students who were busy chatting, and
delays in submitting assignments. The role of the teacher as a facilitator is not
enough to bring students to know Christ, but rather the teacher as the authority
holder guides and guides students to have and exude the character of Christ. The
application of rules and procedures is considered appropriate to form a disciplinary
attitude because it can provide direction for correct action. The aim of this research
is to find out and explain how to apply classroom rules and procedures as an effort
to develop students' disciplinary attitudes through the use of qualitative descriptive research methods. The results of the research show that implementing class rules
and procedures can develop students' disciplined attitudes, namely attending and
submitting assignments on time as well as a sense of mutual respect. For maximum
results, teachers as class managers need to be patient, consistent, accompanied by
praise and punishment to reinforce implementation. Suggestions for further
research are to conduct research over a longer period of time to obtain accurate
student improvement results.
Keywords: Disciplinary Attitude, Class Rules and Procedures, and Christ's
Item Type: | Thesis (Bachelor) |
Creators: | Creators NIM Email ORCID Manalu, Selly Rotua NIM01406200009 UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors: | Contribution Contributors NIDN/NIDK Email Thesis advisor Napitupulu, Bernard NIDN0308038902 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | disciplinary attitude ; class rules and prosedures ; christ's character |
Subjects: | L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools |
Divisions: | University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Social Science Education Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Social Science Education |
Depositing User: | Selly Rotua Manalu |
Date Deposited: | 01 Dec 2023 01:57 |
Last Modified: | 01 Dec 2023 01:57 |
URI: | |