The influence of brand image, restaurant atmosphere, and social media promotion towards customer purchase intention at Ta Shanghai Restaurant Medan

Stefannie, Stefannie (2024) The influence of brand image, restaurant atmosphere, and social media promotion towards customer purchase intention at Ta Shanghai Restaurant Medan. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Ta Shanghai Medan purchase intention from customers to their product is associated to many factors such as how customers perceive the brand, the environment of the place, and the promotion that is appealing to customers, it can be used to predict a customer’s desire to purchase or not. The objective is to know whether brand image, restaurant atmosphere and social media promotion have influence towards purchase intention. Brand image, restaurant atmosphere, and social media promotion each has a crucial role to shape purchase intention from customers, as it will highly affect the decision making of potential or existing customers. In this research, the writer used quantitative research with descriptive and causal research design. The sampling technique used is convenience sampling, and the population will be all customers and sample size is 97 customers at Ta Shanghai Medan. The result from SPSS 25 is in hypothesis test, the partial and simultaneous test result stated that the independent variables have influence towards dependent variable. Furthermore, the determination test shows 82.5% which means that there are strong impact of the independent variables towards dependent variable and the rest 17.5% are not discussed in this research. Multiple regression analysis shows all value of the independent variables are positive therefore it can be concluded that there are strong and positive relationship between brand image, restaurant atmosphere, and social media promotion towards customer purchase intention. The writer recommended for Ta Shanghai Medan to focus more on their social media promotion such as discount package for a family of ten rather than creating only credit card promotion to attract more potential customers dine in Ta Shanghai Medan. / Niat beli dari pelanggan Ta Shanghai Medan terhadap produk mereka dikaitkan dengan banyak faktor seperti bagaimana pelanggan mempersepsikan merek, lingkungan tempat, dan promosi yang menarik bagi pelanggan, hal ini dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi keinginan pelanggan untuk membeli atau tidak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah citra merek, suasana restoran, dan promosi media sosial memiliki pengaruh terhadap niat membeli. Citra merek, suasana restoran, dan promosi media sosial masing-masing memiliki peran penting untuk membentuk niat beli dari pelanggan, karena akan sangat mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan calon pelanggan atau pelanggan yang sudah ada. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian deskriptif dan kausal. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah convenience sampling, dengan populasi seluruh pelanggan dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 97 pelanggan di Ta Shanghai Medan. Hasil dari SPSS 25 adalah pada uji hipotesis, hasil uji parsial dan simultan menyatakan bahwa variabel independen memiliki pengaruh terhadap variabel dependen. Selanjutnya, uji determinasi menunjukkan 82,5% yang berarti bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang kuat dari variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen dan sisanya 17,5% tidak dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan semua nilai variabel independen bernilai positif sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan positif antara citra merek, suasana restoran, dan promosi media sosial terhadap niat beli pelanggan. Penulis merekomendasikan Ta Shanghai Medan untuk lebih fokus pada promosi media sosial seperti paket diskon untuk keluarga beranggotakan sepuluh orang daripada hanya membuat promosi kartu kredit untukmenarik lebih banyak calon pelanggan yang bersantap di Ta Shanghai Medan.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Stefannie, Stefannie
Thesis advisor
Khong, Rifin
Uncontrolled Keywords: Brand Image; Restaurant Atmosphere; Social Media Promotion; Customer Purchase Intention
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Stefannie Stefannie
Date Deposited: 25 Feb 2025 03:41
Last Modified: 25 Feb 2025 03:41

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