The influence of service quality, facilities, and brand image on customer satisfaction at PT Tirta Kartika Swimmingpool

Wijaya, Wedness (2024) The influence of service quality, facilities, and brand image on customer satisfaction at PT Tirta Kartika Swimmingpool. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Tirta Kartika swimming pool is one of the favourite swimming pools in Medan city. The decline in the number of consumers visiting is thought to be due to complaints about service quality, poorly maintained pool facilities and brand image that has not been able to compete with other competitors. Businesses need a large consumer base to keep growing. Customer satisfaction occurs because of the quality of service that matches expectations. Consumers tend to use a brand that has consistency that can provide satisfaction and qualified facilities at a friendly price that provides experience and satisfaction for consumers. The research method in this study is quantitative and descriptive using a causality study with a sample of 100 consumers. Respondents are customers who are taken using sampling criteria using non probability with convenience sampling. The distribution of questionnaires has passed the validity and reliability tests. The data tested has also passed the normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and multiple linear regression tests. The results showed that service quality, facilities, brand image and customer satisfaction simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction with a coefficient of determination of 48.3%, while service quality, facilities, brand image had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. It can be recommended to the management of Tirta Kartika swimming pool to provide training to employees, evaluate facilities, conduct surveys to consumers, communicate to consumers about current facilities and services/ Kolam renang tirta kartika merupakan salah satu kolam renang favorit di kota Medan. Penurunan jumlah konsumen yang berkunjung diduga karena adanya keluhan mengenai kualitas pelayanan, fasilitas kolam renang yang kurang terawat dan citra merek yang belum bisa bersaing dengan kompetitor lainnya. Bisnis memerlukan basis konsumen yang besar agar tetap bisa berkembang. Kepuasan konsumen terjadi karena adanya kualitas pelayanan yang sesuai harapan. Konsumen cenderung menggunakan suatu merek yang memiliki konsistensi dapat memberikan kepuasan dan fasilitas yang mumpuni dengan harga yang bersahabat memberikan pengalaman dan kepuasan bagi konsumen. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini dengan metode kuantitatif dan deskriptif dengan menggunakan studi kausalitas dengan sampel sebanyak 100 konsumen. Responden merupakan pelanggan yang diambil dengan menggunakan kriteria pengambilan sampel menggunakan non probability dengan convenience sampling. Penyebaran kuesioner yang dilakukan telah melewati uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Data yang diuji juga telah lolos uji normalitas, multikolinearitas, heteroskedastisitas, dan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas layanan, fasilitas, citra merek dan kepuasan pelanggan secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen dengan nilai koefisien determinasi sebesar 48.3%, sedangkan secara kualitas layanan, fasilitas, citra merek berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Dapat direkomendasikan kepada manajemen kolam renang Tirta Kartika untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada karyawan, melakukan evaluasi terhadap fasilitas, melakukan survei kepada konsumen, melakukan komunikasi kepada konsumen mengenai fasilitas dan pelayanan yang ada pada saat ini.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Wijaya, Wedness
Thesis advisor
Eddy, Eddy
Uncontrolled Keywords: Service Quality; Facilities, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Wedness Wijaya
Date Deposited: 04 Oct 2024 08:22
Last Modified: 04 Oct 2024 08:22

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