The impact of customer experience, corporate image, and social media marketing toward customer purchasing decisions at Hotel Aryaduta Medan

Young, Michael (2025) The impact of customer experience, corporate image, and social media marketing toward customer purchasing decisions at Hotel Aryaduta Medan. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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The Aryaduta Hotel has established itself as a well-known establishment among the residents of Medan, who are generally familiar with it and are exposed to various positive and negative information about the hotel. However, initial observations by the researcher indicate a yearly decline in consumer visits to Aryaduta Hotel. Many customers who once frequently visited are now exploring alternative accommodations, as Medan offers numerous other hotel options that attract consumers, such as Adimulia Hotel, J.W. Marriott Hotel, and Grand Aston Hotel. This decrease in visits to Aryaduta Hotel is attributed to several factors, including customer experience, corporate image, and social media marketing. The research population consists of consumers who stay at Aryaduta Hotel Medan, though the exact total is unknown. To determine the sample size, the Lemeshow formula is applied, resulting in a sample of 96. The sampling method employed is non-probability sampling, specifically convenience sampling, where respondents are selected based on chance encounters. Data will be assessed for validity and reliability, and analyzed using SPSS 26.0. The research model will undergo tests for normality, heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, and linearity. Additionally, the data will be evaluated through linear regression, multiple linear regression, and the coefficient of determination, with hypothesis testing conducted via F-test and t-test. The study has indicated that customer experience variable has a positive and significant effect on purchase decision at Hotel Aryaduta Medan. Corporate image variable has a positive and significant effect on purchase decision at Hotel Aryaduta Medan. Social Media marketing variable has a positive and significant effect on purchase decision at Hotel Aryaduta Medan. Customer experience, corporate image, and social media marketing has a significant effect on purchasing decision at Hotel Aryaduta Medan. / Hotel Aryaduta sudah dikenal luas oleh masyarakat Medan dan sudah banyak mendapatkan informasi positif maupun negatif mengenai hotel tersebut. Namun, berdasarkan pengamatan awal peneliti, kunjungan konsumen ke Hotel Aryaduta setiap tahunnya mengalami penurunan. Banyaknya konsumen yang dulunya sering berkunjung kini mulai mencari alternatif akomodasi karena Medan menawarkan banyak pilihan hotel lain yang menarik minat konsumen,seperti Hotel Adimulia, Hotel J.W. Marriott, dan Hotel Grand Aston. Penurunan kunjungan ke Hotel Aryaduta ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain customer experience, citra perusahaan, dan pemasaran media sosial. Populasi penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang menginap di Hotel Aryaduta Medan, meskipun jumlah pastinya tidak diketahui. Untuk menentukan besar sampel digunakan rumus Lemeshow, sehingga diperoleh sampel sebanyak 96. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah non-probability sampling, yaitu convenience sampling, yaitu pemilihan responden berdasarkan kesempatan bertemu. Data akan dikaji validitas dan reliabilitasnya, serta dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 26.0. Model penelitian akan diuji normalitas, heteroskedastisitas, multikolinearitas, dan linearitasnya. Selain itu, data akan dievaluasi melalui regresi linier, regresi linier berganda, dan koefisien determinasi, dengan pengujian hipotesis melalui uji F dan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel customer experience berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian di Hotel Aryaduta Medan. Variabel corporate image berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian di Hotel Aryaduta Medan. Variabel pemasaran media sosial memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian di Hotel Aryaduta Medan. Pengalaman pelanggan, citra perusahaan, dan pemasaran media sosial memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian di Hotel Aryaduta Medan
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Young, Michael
Thesis advisor
Jackson, Michael
Uncontrolled Keywords: Customer experience; corporate image; social media marketing; purchasing decision
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Michael Young
Date Deposited: 25 Feb 2025 03:35
Last Modified: 25 Feb 2025 03:35

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