Pengaruh penggunaan handwritten comments feedback dalam upaya peningkatan motivasi belajar akuntansi siswa kelas XII IPS = The influence of using handwritten comments feedback to improve the motivation of grade XII social science in accounting class

Padang, Ariani Tandi (2010) Pengaruh penggunaan handwritten comments feedback dalam upaya peningkatan motivasi belajar akuntansi siswa kelas XII IPS = The influence of using handwritten comments feedback to improve the motivation of grade XII social science in accounting class. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dengan jelas tentang pengaruh penggunaan handwritten comments feedback dalam upaya peningkatan motivasi belajar akuntansi siswa kelas XII IPS. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan tiga pertanyaan, yaitu: 1) Apakah handwritten comments feedback dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa kelas XII sosial?; 2) Bagaimana seorang guru menggunakan handwritten comments feedback dalam meningkatkan motivasi siswa kelas XII sosial?; 3) Kendala apa saja yang dihadapi dalam menggunakan handwritten comments feedback bagi siswa kelas XII sosial? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang berbentuk kualitatif deskriptif, dimana pengumpulan data menggunakan jurnal refleksi, lembar observasi, umpan balik, wawancara, dan dokumen berupa data penilaian. Jurnal refleksi merupakan hasil refleksi berdasarkan kejadian yang ada dan ditulis setiap hari. Umpan-balik diperoleh dari pengamatan rekan kolaborasi selama proses belajar-mengajar berlangsung. Wawancara juga dilakukan terhadap 5 siswa kelas XII secara random. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: 1) Penggunaan handwritten comments feedback dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa kelas XII IPS dalam pelajaran akuntansi. 2) Penggunaan handwritten comments feedback sebaiknya dilakukan dengan cara sebagai berikut: Penggunaan artikulasi bahasa yang mudah dimengerti oleh siswa; Berikan kata-kata penyemangat; Tuliskan perkembangan siswa dalam belajar akuntansi; Berikan secara satu per satu; Pengembalian tugas atau ulangan yang telah diberikan handwritten comments feedback sebaiknya tidak melebihi satu minggu dari waktu pemberian tugas; berikan secara rutin. 3) Kendala yang dihadapi dalam menggunakan handwritten comments feedback bagi siswa kelas XII sosial adalah jika jumlah lembar jawaban siswa dalam kuantitas yang banyak, sedangkan waktu pengembalian tidak melebihi satu minggu, maka guru akan cenderung untuk menuliskan handwritten comments feedback secara buru-buru sehingga penggunaan bahasan dan tulisan pun akan sulit untuk dibaca, apalagi dipahami oleh siswa. / The aim this research is to know clearly about the impact of handwritten comments feedback used to improve XII IPS students' motivation to learn accounting. The problems can be formulated on three questions, namely: a) Can handwritten comments feedback improve the motivation of XII social class student? b) How does a teacher use handwritten comments feedback in improving the motivation of social class students?; c) What are the obstacles encountered by students from handwritten comments feedback? This research is conducted in descriptive qualitative form where the data collection is done through journal reflections, observations, feedbacks, interviews, and assessments. Journal reflection is the result of reflection based on daily activities. The feedback was obtained from a collaborative peer observation during the teaching-learning process was taking place. The interview was also conducted towards 5 XII graders randomly. Based on research results, it is concluded that: 1) The use of handwritten comments feedback can increase motivation of XII social students in the accounting class. 2) The use of handwritten feedback comments should be made in the following way: The use of the articulation of language which can be easily understood by the students; give encouragement to student; write students' progress in learning accounting; give it individually; returns assignments or tests that have been attached with the handwritten comments feedback should not exceed one week from the due time; do it routinely. 3) The constraints in using in handwritten comments feedback for students of social XII class will appear if the students use a lot of answer sheets while the dute time does not exceed one week, then the teacher will tend to write handwritten comments feedback in a hurry so the use of language and writing would be difficult to read, let alone understood by students.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Padang, Ariani Tandi
Thesis advisor
Suwu, Selvi Ester
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Economics Education
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Economics Education
Depositing User: Stefanus Tanjung
Date Deposited: 18 Mar 2025 08:38
Last Modified: 18 Mar 2025 08:38

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