Pendugaan umur simpan permen matcha cajuputs menggunakan metode accelerated shelf-life test dengan model arrhenius = Shelf life prediction for matcha cajuputs candy using accelerated shelf-life test method based on arrhenius model

Angelina, Andrea (2018) Pendugaan umur simpan permen matcha cajuputs menggunakan metode accelerated shelf-life test dengan model arrhenius = Shelf life prediction for matcha cajuputs candy using accelerated shelf-life test method based on arrhenius model. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Permen cajuputs® merupakan produk konfeksioneri fungsional berupa permen keras yang telah terbukti memiliki sejumlah manfaat terhadap kesehatan. Penambahan matcha di dalam permen cajuputs memberikan manfaat berupa nilai antioksidan dan kontribusi terhadap warna hijau. Penerimaan kesukaan berdasarkan uji rating hedonik terhadap penambahan konsentrasi matcha dalam permen cajuputs yang diperoleh adalah 1% dengan penerimaan warna (5,32±1.06), parameter mouthfeel (4.80±1.14), dan keseluruhan (5.07±0.92). Aktivitas antioksidan (nilai IC50) dan kandungan polifenol (kandungan fenolik dan kandungan flavonoid) pada permen matcha cajuputs terpilih signifikan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan permen cajuputs. Pendugaan masa simpan permen cajuputs dengan penambahan konsentrasi matcha terpilih dilakukan menggunakan metode Accelerated Shelf-Life Test dengan model Arrhenius pada suhu 25⁰C, 35⁰C, dan 45⁰C dan pengecekan selama 7 hari sekali hingga penyimpanan selama 35 hari dengan kemasan plastik metallized. Penentuan parameter mutu kritis ditinjau dari aktivitas antioksidan (nilai IC50) dan hue. Penerimaan keseluruhan kesukaan permen matcha cajuputs dengan uji rating hedonik tidak mengalami perubahan yang nyata pada berbagai suhu dan jangka waktu penyimpanan. Parameter mutu kritis yang terpilih adalah hue dengan umur simpan yang lebih pendek dibandingkan nilai IC50 pada berbagai suhu penyimpanan, berdasarkan reaksi pencoklatan. Implementasi dugaan umur simpan permen matcha cajuputs dalam kehidupan nyata pada kondisi penyimpanan di supermarket adalah 216 hari. / Cajuputs® candy is one of confectionery functional products categorized as hard candy and has been proven to have some beneficial health effects. Besides giving natural antioxidant value, addition of matcha could also gives natural green color for cajuputs candy. Acceptance value using rating hedonic test toward addition of matcha in cajuputs candy chosen was 1%, which had higher color acceptance (5,32±1.06), mouthfeel acceptance (4.80±1.14), and overall acceptance (5.07±0.92) than higher concentration of matcha tested. Antioxidant activity and polyphenol content (phenolic content and flavonoid content) in chosen matcha cajuputs candy is significantly higher than cajuputs candy. Shelflife prediction for cajuputs candy with addition of matcha concentration chosen used Accelerated Shelf-Life Test method extrapolated on Arrhenius model. Product was stored in several temperature (25⁰C, 35⁰C, 45⁰C) and analyzed once a week until 35 days packaged with metallized plastic. Critical quality parameters of matcha cajuputs candy observed were antioxidant activity (IC50 value) and color hue. Storing temperature and time did not give significant differences toward value of matcha cajuputs candy’s overall acceptance using rating hedonic test. The chosen critical quality parameter was color hue with shorter shelf life, based on browning reaction. Implementation of shelf-life estimation of matcha cajuputs candy in real life stored in supermarket is 216 days.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Angelina, Andrea
Thesis advisor
Wijaya, C. Hanny
Thesis advisor
Natania, Natania
Additional Information: SK 34-14 ANG p
Uncontrolled Keywords: matcha; cajuputs candy; Arrhenius; ASLT; shelf life; permen cajuputs; umur simpan
Subjects: T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP368-456 Food processing and manufacture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Food Technology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Food Technology
Depositing User: Mr Samuel Noya
Date Deposited: 21 Oct 2020 06:47
Last Modified: 12 Aug 2021 06:03

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