Modifikasi karakteristik fisikokimia mi berbasis tepung beras dengan penambahan kappa karagenan dan telur = Physicochemical characteristics modification of white rice flour based noodle with kappa carrageenan and egg addition

Annabel, Alicia (2021) Modifikasi karakteristik fisikokimia mi berbasis tepung beras dengan penambahan kappa karagenan dan telur = Physicochemical characteristics modification of white rice flour based noodle with kappa carrageenan and egg addition. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Mi adalah salah satu produk pangan yang banyak dikonsumsi dan memiliki banyak variasi. Pembuatan mi modifikasi berbasis tepung beras yang bebas gluten dapat menjadi alternatif bagi para penderita celiac disease yang tidak dapat mengonsumsi gluten. Tidak adanya gluten membuat mi modifikasi memiliki karakteristik fisikokimia yang berbeda dari mi terigu. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan konsentrasi kappa karagenan dan telur untuk meningkatkan kualitas fisikokimia mi modifikasi agar menyerupai mi terigu. Beberapa parameter kualitas fisikokimia mi seperti tekstur, tensile strength, dan ekstensibilitas, serta kualitas pemasakan seperti cooking loss dan daya serap air, digunakan untuk menentukan formulasi mi modifikasi terbaik. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan formulasi mi modifikasi terbaik pada penambahan karagenan 0,2% dan telur 5,0% yang dinilai menghasilkan cooking loss (5,56±0,32%), hardness (6031,87±594,92 g), dan adhesiveness (1741,21±180,26 g.s) yang rendah. Didapatkan pula springiness (0,73±0,04), cohesiveness (0,46±0,04), tensile strength (64,11±1,73 g), ekstensibilitas (7,25±0,57 mm), dan daya serap air (73,67±0,55%) yang tinggi pada mi modifikasi. Hasil uji sensori hedonik menyatakan tingkat penerimaan mi modifikasi cenderung netral, dan hasil uji skoring menyatakan mi beraroma netral, tidak lengket ataupun kenyal. Analisis proksimat mi modifikasi meliputi kadar air (15,1019±0,1383%), kadar lemak (1,3363±0,0318%), kadar abu (0,9607±0,0793%), kadar protein (7,5865±0,0464%), dan kadar karbohidrat (75,0145±0,1216%). Hasil perbandingan mi modifikasi terbaik dengan mi komersial berbasis tepung terigu menyatakan bahwa mi modifikasi masih berbeda secara signifikan dengan mi komersial untuk semua parameter. Kesimpulannya, mi modifikasi berbasis tepung beras dengan penambahan kappa karagenan dan telur masih belum dapat dijadikan pengganti mi terigu / Noodle is a widely consumed food product and popular among people across the globe. Making gluten-free rice flour-based modified noodles can be an alternative for people with celiac disease who cannot consume gluten. The absence of gluten makes modified noodles have different physicochemical characteristics from wheat noodles. The objectives of this study were to determine the concentration of kappa carrageenan and egg to improve the physicochemical quality of modified noodles to resemble wheat noodles. Several physicochemical quality parameters such as texture, tensile strength, and extensibility, as well as cooking quality such as cooking loss and water absorption, were used to determine the best modified noodle formulation. Results obtained the addition of carrageenan 0.2% and 5.0% egg is the best modified noodle formulation. This formulation obtained low cooking loss (5.56 ± 0.32%), hardness (6031.87 ± 594.92 g), and adhesiveness (1741.21 ± 180.26 g.s). High springiness (0.73 ± 0.04), cohesiveness (0.46 ± 0.04), tensile strength (64.11 ± 1.73 g), extensibility (7.25 ± 0.57 mm), and water absorption (73.67 ± 0.55%) were also obtained for this modified noodle formulation. Hedonic sensory test results implied that the likeness value of panelists towards all parameters tended to be neutral, and the scoring test results indicated that modified noodle has neutral aroma, neither sticky nor chewy. Proximate analysis of modified noodles includes water content (15.1019 ± 0.1383%), fat content (1.3363 ± 0.0318%), ash content (0.9607 ± 0.0793%), protein content (7.5865 ± 0.0464%), and carbohydrate content (75.0145 ± 0.1216%). The comparison of the best modified noodle with wheat flour-based commercial noodle stated that modified noodle is still significantly different from commercial noodle for all parameters. In conclusion, rice flour-based modified noodle with the addition of kappa carrageenan and egg still cannot be used as a substitute for wheat noodles.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Annabel, Alicia
Thesis advisor
Handayani, Ratna
Uncontrolled Keywords: karagenan; karakteristik fisikokimia; mi modifikasi; telur; tepung beras
Subjects: T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP368-456 Food processing and manufacture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Food Technology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Food Technology
Depositing User: Users 5343 not found.
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2021 10:11
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2021 10:11

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