Peran director of photography dalam film fiksi “nambel ban” = Role of director of photography (dop) in fiction movie “nambel ban”

Amrullah, Jordy Yapri (2021) Peran director of photography dalam film fiksi “nambel ban” = Role of director of photography (dop) in fiction movie “nambel ban”. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Film merupakan bentuk karya seni yang penyampaian ceritanya melalui gambar bergerak. Film digunakan sebagai salah satu media sarana dalam penyampaian pesan dan merepresentasikan sebuah budaya. Tugas akhir ini merupakan uraian teori dan laporan dari pembuatan film pendek “Nambel Ban” dari sudut pandang penulis selaku director of photography (DOP) atau penata kamera. Film “Nambel Ban” adalah film pendek fiksi yang berlatar belakang tentang status lajang pada awal tahun 2000 dimana pada tahun ini, status lajang masih dianggap sebagai stigma negatif bagi masyarakat indonesia. Film “Nambel Ban” secara implisit menceritakan tentang pertemuan yang tidak disengaja antara kedua karakter dari suku Batak dan suku Jawa yang berstatus lajang. Riset yang dilakukan dalam perancangan film “Nambel Ban” dimulai dari wawancara, literatur, dan referensi visual yang akan diaplikasikan ke dalam film. Perancangan film “Nambel Ban” terdiri dari tahap pra produksi, produksi dan paska produksi. Dengan adanya film pendek “Nambel Ban” ini, diharapkan penonton dapat menambah wawasan mengenai kebudayaan Indonesia dan mengapresiasi film lokal. / Movie is a form of art that tells stories by moving images. It is used as a media to tell messages and to represent a culture. This final project is a description of theories and reports in Nambel Ban’s production from the author's point of view as a director of photography (DOP). “Nambel Ban” is a fictional short movie that tells a story about being single in the early 2000, in which at that time, in Indonesia, society still considered being single as a negative stigma. “Nambel Ban” tells a story about the accidentally meeting between two unmarried characters from Batak and Java. In the design of the movie "Nambel Ban", author make a research based from interviews, literature, and visual references that is applied to the movie. The making of movie “Nambel Ban” starts from pre production, production, and post production. With this “Nambel Ban” short movie, author expect that the audience can add insight to Indonesian’s cultures and appreciate local movies.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Amrullah, Jordy Yapri
Thesis advisor
Anton, Baptista
Thesis advisor
Syah, Agustinus Dhani
Uncontrolled Keywords: film pendek; lajang; suku; Jawa; Batak; budaya
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Visual Communication Design
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Visual Communication Design
Depositing User: Users 5540 not found.
Date Deposited: 29 Jun 2021 05:12
Last Modified: 22 Feb 2022 07:27

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