Karakteristik Beras dan Nasi Analog Berbasis Bahan Pangan Kaya Serat melalui Metode Ekstruksi = Characteristics of Rice Analog Based on Fiber-Rich Materials Using Extruction Method

Bernika, Angeline (2021) Karakteristik Beras dan Nasi Analog Berbasis Bahan Pangan Kaya Serat melalui Metode Ekstruksi = Characteristics of Rice Analog Based on Fiber-Rich Materials Using Extruction Method. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Beras merupakan makanan pokok bagi orang Indonesia. Beras merupakan produk yang dapat didiversifikasi menjadi beras analog. Sumber bahan baku utama pada beras analog dapat berasal dari karbohidrat lain selain padi. Tujuan dari literature review ini adalah mengetahui dan menentukan sumber karbohidrat lain selain padi yang kaya akan serat untuk diaplikasikan pada pembuatan beras analog. Setiap bahan yang digunakan akan menghasilkan beras dan nasi analog dengan karakteristik yang berbeda-beda (fisik, kimia, serta sensori). Dari segi karakteristik fisik. penambahan bahan pangan kaya serat menurunkan nilai L* dengan interval 42,41-71,66, menaikkan nilai a* dengan interval 0,32- 8,42, memengaruhi nilai b* dengan interval 4,82-27,54, memengaruhi nilai hue dengan interval 29,79-88,94, memengaruhi nilai densitas kamba dengan interval 0,57-0,86 g/ml, memengaruhi nilai daya rehidrasi dengan interval 1,2-3,28 ml/g, dan menurunkan nilai hardness dengan interval 0,78-1,06 N. Dari segi karakteristik kimia, penambahan bahan pangan kaya serat memengaruhi kadar air beras analog dengan interval 4,91-13,48%, kadar amilosa dengan interval 14,49-35%, kadar lemak dengan interval 0,15-8,56%, menaikkan kadar serat pangan dengan interval 1,11-49,76%, memengaruhi kadar protein dengan interval 0,86-18,95%, dan karbohidrat dengan interval 64,34-94,70%. Dari segi karakteristik sensori, penambahan pangan kaya serat menghasilkan nasi analog dengan aroma, warna, tekstur, dan rasa yang kurang disukai-sangat disukai panelis. Sumber karbohidrat yang kaya serat yang digunakan pada literature review ini adalah tepung mocaf-tepung maizena�tepung jagung, tepung ubi ungu-tepung kacang bogor, tepung jagung putih-pati sagu, tepung mocaf,maizena, dan ampas tahu, tepung multigrain, tepung oyek-kacang hijau, tepung sorghum, tepung buah lindur-sagu, tepung-pati ubi ungu, serta tepung rumput laut-mocaf / Rice is a staple food for Indonesians. Rice is a product that can be diversified into analog rice. The main source of raw materials in analog rice can come from carbohydrates other than rice. The purpose of this literature review is to identify and determine other carbohydrate sources besides rice that are rich in fiber to be applied to the manufacture of analog rice. Each ingredient used will produce rice and analogue rice with different characteristics (physical, chemical, and sensory). In terms of physical characteristics. the addition of fiber-rich foods lowers the value of L* with an interval of 42.41-71.66, increases the value of a* with an interval of 0.32-8.42, affects the value of b* with an interval of 4.82-27.54, affects the value of hue with an interval of 29,79-88,94, affects the density value kamba with an interval of 0.57-0.86 g/ml, affecting the value of rehydration power with an interval of 1.2-3.28 ml/g, and reducing the hardness value with an interval of 0.78-1.06 N. In terms of chemical characteristics, the addition of fiber-rich foodstuffs affects the water content of analog rice with an interval of 4.91-13.48%, amylose content with an interval of 14.49-35%, fat content with an interval of 0.15-8.56%, increasing the content of dietary fiber with an interval of 1,11-49.76%, affecting protein content with an interval of 0.86-18.95%, and carbohydrates with an interval of 64.34-94.70%. In terms of sensory characteristics, the addition of fiber-rich foods resulted in analogous rice with a less favorable aroma, color, texture, and taste – highly favored by the panelists. The fiber-rich carbohydrate sources used in this literature review aremocaf flour-corn starch-corn flour, purple sweet potato flour-bambara groudnut flour, white corn flour-sago starch, mocaf flour, cornstarch, and tofu waste, multigrain flour, oyek-greenbeans flour, sorghum flour, lindur fruit-sago flour, purple sweet potato starch-flour, and seaweed-mocaf flour.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Bernika, Angeline
Thesis advisor
Titri, Siratantri Mastuti
Uncontrolled Keywords: Rice; Rice analog; Fiber
Subjects: T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP368-456 Food processing and manufacture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Food Technology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Food Technology
Depositing User: Users 6831 not found.
Date Deposited: 16 Feb 2022 01:32
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2022 00:55
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/46247

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