Kajian Pengaruh Lama Waktu Penyimpanan dan Fermentasi terhadap Mutu Mikrobiologi dan Fisikokimia Minuman Fermentasi Kefir = Study of the Effect of Storage and Fermentation Time on the Microbiological and Physicochemical Quality of Kefir Fermented Beverages

Emmanuela, Euodia (2021) Kajian Pengaruh Lama Waktu Penyimpanan dan Fermentasi terhadap Mutu Mikrobiologi dan Fisikokimia Minuman Fermentasi Kefir = Study of the Effect of Storage and Fermentation Time on the Microbiological and Physicochemical Quality of Kefir Fermented Beverages. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kefir merupakan minuman fermentasi yang terbuat dari susu dengan menambahkan starter sesuai dengan konsentrasi. Mutu produk kefir berbasis susu memerlukan perhatian pada saat penyimpanan khususnya pada lama waktu yang digunakan. Review journal ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan dan mengkaji jurnal dan sumber-sumber pustaka terkait dengan kefir yang telah terakreditasi nasional maupun internasional. Tujuan dari review journal ini yaitu untuk mempelajari mutu mikrobiologi dan fisikokimia kefir selama menentukan lama waktu penyimpanan dan fermentasi terbaik terhadap jumlah bakteri asam laktat, jumlah khamir, pH, total asam tertitrasi, kandungan alkohol, dan viskositas minuman fermentasi kefir. Berdasarkan kajian pustaka yang telah dilakukan, penyimpanan kefir selama 21 hari dan fermentasi selama 24 jam dapat menghasilkan mutu kefir yang sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku secara internasional maupun pada beberapa negara. Penyimpanan kefir selama 21 hari memiliki interval pH 3,99-4,29, total asam tertitrasi 0,77-0,92%, jumlah bakteri asam laktat 1,07x108-1,65x109 CFU/mL, jumlah khamir 2,08x105-3,16x108 CFU/mL, kadar alkohol 0,18-0,49%, dan viskositas 8,4-247,0 cP. Fermentasi selama 24 jam memiliki interval pH 4,3-4,52, total asam tertitrasi 0,6-1,24%, jumlah bakteri asam laktat 3,16x109 CFU/mL, jumlah khamir 2,75x106 CFU/mL, interval kadar alkohol pada fermentasi 12-36 jam yaitu 0,53-0,69%, viskositas 2,1-2585 cP. / Kefir is a fermented drink made from milk by adding a starter according to the concentration. The quality of milk-based kefir products requires attention during storage, especially for the length of time used. This journal review is carried out by collecting and reviewing journals and library sources related to kefir that have been accredited nationally and internationally. The purpose of this journal review is to study the microbiological and physicochemical quality of kefir to determine the best storage and fermentation time for the amount of lactic acid, amount of yeast, pH, total titrated acid, alcohol content, and viscosity of kefir fermented drinks. Based on the literature review that has been done, kefir storage for 21 days and fermentation for 24 hours can produce kefir quality that is in accordance with standards that apply internationally and in several countries. Kefir storage for 21 days has a pH interval of 3,99-4,29, total titrated acid 0,77-0,92%, the number of lactic acid bacteria 1,07x108-1,65x109 CFU/mL, the amount of yeast 2,08x105-3,16x108 CFU/mL, alcohol content 0,18-0,49%, and viscosity 150,0-247,0 cP. Fermentation for 24 hours has a pH interval of 4,3-4,52, total titrated acid is 0.6-1,24%, the number of lactic acid bacteria is 3,16x109 CFU/mL, the amount of yeast is 2,75x106 CFU/mL, interval of alcohol content in fermentation 12-36 hours is 0,53-0,69%, viscosity 2,1-2585 cP.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Emmanuela, Euodia
Thesis advisor
Parhusip, Adolf Jan Nexon
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kefir; Lama penyimpanan; Lama fermentasi; Mikrobiologi; Fisikokimia
Subjects: T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP368-456 Food processing and manufacture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Food Technology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Food Technology
Depositing User: Users 6927 not found.
Date Deposited: 17 Feb 2022 05:45
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2022 03:27
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/46344

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