Analisis semiotika Roland Barthes dalam film "Dua Garis Biru"

Alexander, Henry (2022) Analisis semiotika Roland Barthes dalam film "Dua Garis Biru". Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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ABSTRAK ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA ROLAND BARTHES DALAM FILM “DUA GARIS BIRU” Kata Kunci: Dua Garis Biru, Pendidikan Seksual, Semiotika, Makna Tanda Film Dua Garis Biru, disutradarai oleh Gina S. Noer, adalah film kontroversial Indonesia tentang dua remaja yang sedang berpacaran, Bima dan Dara, yang pacaran diluar batas, yang menyebabkan kejadial kehamilan diluar pernikahan bagi Dara. Film ini menyoroti terbatasnya ketersediaan pendidikan seksual di Indonesia. Minimnya pendidikan seksual di sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia didukung oleh banyaknya data kekerasan terhadap anak di luar rumah. Selain itu, ditemukan sekitar 84 % anak usia 12 - 17 tahun belum mendapatkan pendidikan seksual, dan 58 % orang dewasa berusia 18 hingga 20 tahun belum pernah melakukan hubungan seksual dengan status belum dewasa. Dalam studi kualitatif ini, peneliti ingin mempelajari lebih jauh tentang peningkatan komunikasi seks yang digambarkan dalam film Dua Garis Biru yang didasarkan pada teori semiotika denotasi, kognisi, dan mitos Roland Barthes. Mendeskripsikan tanda makna dalam potongan gambar yang mengandung unsur seksual, komunikasi langsung atau tidak langsung. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada kekurangan pendidikan seksual di Indonesia, yang diberikan oleh perempuan. Alhasil, remaja berperilaku melampaui batas yang harus dilakukan, Kisah yang dituturkan Bima dan Dara dalam film Dua Garis Biru merupakan representasi dari memburuknya sistem pendidikan seks di tanah air. Referensi: 48 (1976-2020) / ABSTRACT ROLAND BARTHES’ SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS ON “DUA GARIS BIRU” FILM Keywords: Dua Garis Biru, Sexual Education, Semiotics, Meaning of Signs The film “Dua Garis Biru”, directed by Gina S. Noer, is a controversial Indonesian film about two young women, Bima and Dara, who date out of bounds, which prevents courtship outside of marriage. This film highlights the limited availability of sexual education in Indonesia. The lack of sexual education in schools in Indonesia is supported by the large number of data on violence against children outside the home. In addition, it was found that around 84 percent of children aged 12 to 17 years had not received sexual education, and 58 percent of adults aged 18 to 20 years had never had sexual intercourse with an immature status. In this qualitative study, the researcher wants to learn more about the increase in sexual communication depicted in the film Two Blue Lines, which is based on Roland Barthes's theory of denotation, cognition, and myth. Describe the sign of meaning in the piece of the picture that contains elements of sexual, direct or indirect communication. Research findings indicate that there is a lack of sexual education in Indonesia, which is provided by women. As a result, teenagers behave beyond what they should do. The story told by Bima and Dara in the film “Dua Garis Biru” is a representation of the deteriorating sex education system in the country. References: 48 (1976-2020)
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Alexander, Henry
Thesis advisor
Emrus, Emrus
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dua Garis Biru ; pendidikan seksual ; semiotika ; makna tanda
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM 1201-1216 Communication
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Depositing User: Henry Alexander
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2022 08:39
Last Modified: 15 Jul 2022 08:39

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