Pengaruh Agile Leadership kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru generasi Y dengan mediasi wellbeing di SMPK XYZ konteks VUCA

Sidharta, Ervan (2022) Pengaruh Agile Leadership kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru generasi Y dengan mediasi wellbeing di SMPK XYZ konteks VUCA. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pada abad ke-21 di mana teknologi berkembang dengan cepat, COVID-19 menyerang dunia pendidikan menghasilkan kecemasan karena ketidak-jelasan. Kondisi VUCA berdampak pada wellbeing dan kinerja para pekerja seperti guru generasi Y di SMPK XYZ. Agile leadership dibutuhkan kepala sekolah dalam membimbing para guru generasi Y menjaga dan meningkatkan wellbeing serta kinerjanya dalam menghadapi VUCA. Pendekatan campuran digunakan dalam penelitian survei untuk mengetahui pengaruh agile leadership kepala sekolah SMPK XYZ terhadap kinerja guru generasi Y dengan mediasi wellbeing. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner terhadap 19 guru generasi Y di bawah kepemimpinan kepala sekolah SMPK XYZ dan wawancara terhadap 6 narasumber terpilih setelahnya. Data diolah dengan analisis validitas, reliabilitas, statistik deskriptif, analisis jalur, dan analisis tematik wawancara. Penelitian ini menunjukkan pengaruh positif secara langsung sebesar 11.97% dan tidak langsung sebesar 19.17% dari agile leadership kepala sekolah SMPK XYZ terhadap kinerja guru generasi Y dengan mediasi wellbeing. Penelitian juga menunjukkan pengaruh langsung agile leadership kepala sekolah SMPK XYZ terhadap wellbeing guru generasi Y sebesar 22.75% dan wellbeing terhadap kinerja guru generasi Y sebesar 84.29%. Analisis tematik mendukung analisis statistik ini dengan menambahkan bahwa agile leadership kepala sekolah SMPK XYZ secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi kinerja guru generasi Y melalui semua dimensi wellbeing kecuali spiritual wellbeing. / In the 21st century where technology rapidly develop, COVID-19 attacked education result in rapid changes together with anxiety due to uncertainty. This VUCA affects the wellbeing and performance of workers like generation Y teachers in SMPK XYZ. School principal needs agile leadership for guiding generation Y teachers in their wellbeing and performance in facing VUCA. Mixed method approach is used in this survey study to identify the impact of SMPK XYZ principal’s agile leadership towards generation Y teachers’ performance with wellbeing as mediation. Data gathering was done with questionnaire towards 19 generation Y teachers under the leadership of SMPK XYZ principal and interview with 6 chosen interviewees afterwards. Data is processed through validity and reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, path analysis, and interview thematic analysis. This study shows 11.91% direct and 19.17% indirect positive effect from SMPK XYZ principal’s agile leadership towards generation Y teachers’ performance with wellbeing as mediation. This study also shows positive direct effect of SMPK XYZ principal’s agile leadership towards generation Y teachers’ wellbeing by 22.75%, and the wellbeing towards generation Y teachers’ performance by 84.29%. Thematic analysis supports this statistic analysis and adds that the indirect positive effects from SMPK XYZ principal’s agile leadership towards generation Y teachers’ performance go through all wellbeing dimension, except spiritual wellbeing.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Sidharta, Ervan
Thesis advisor
Purbojo, Rijanto
Uncontrolled Keywords: agile leadership ; guru generasi Y ; kepala sekolah SMPK XYZ ; kinerja ; wellbeing
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1028.3 Educational techology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Master of Educational Technology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Master of Educational Technology
Depositing User: Users 28426 not found.
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2023 01:40
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2023 01:40

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