Analisa pengaruh service quality, food quality, other costumers, perceived value/price, costumer satisfaction, dan revisit itention pelanggan rumah makan bebek tepi sawah di Ubud Bali

Raharjo, Sylvie Stefannie (2022) Analisa pengaruh service quality, food quality, other costumers, perceived value/price, costumer satisfaction, dan revisit itention pelanggan rumah makan bebek tepi sawah di Ubud Bali. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Hrapan.

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Restoran Bebek Tepi Sawah merupakan Restoran yang tumbuh tidak hanya dalam hal penawaran hidangan yang enak saja, melainkan lebih jauh lagi ke arah pencarian atmosfer makan yang aman, cita rasa yang berbeda, bahkan untuk tempat berekreasi. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa pengaruh signifikan Service Quality, Food Quality, Atmospherics, Other Costumers, dan Perceived Value/Price terhadap Customer Satisfaction. Metode penelitian yang digunakan kuantitatif melalui penyebaran kusioner kepada pelanggan Rumah Makan Bebek Tepi Sawah di Ubud Bali, yakni 125 responden sebagai sampel yang sesuai dengan karakteristik yang telah ditentukan. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan program statistik yakni SPSS 22.0. Berdasarkan hasil Analisa R antara Service quality, Food Quality, Atmospherics, Other Costumers, dan Percaived Value/Price didapati nilai sebesar 0,712, hal ini berarti bahwa terdapat korelasi yang besar antara variabel tersebut. Sedangkan, untuk variabel Costumer Satisfaction (CSF) terhadap Revisit Itention menunjukkan nilai sebesar 0,516, hal ini berarti terdapat korelasi yang cukup besar antara variabel tersebut. Hasil perhitungan untuk koefisien determinasi pada model pertama diperoleh angka R2 sebesar 0,516 atau sebesar 51,6%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel Service Quality, Food Quality, Atmospherics, Other Costumers, dan Perceived Value/Price menunjukkan bahwa variabel bebas dapat menjelaskan sebesar 51,6% dari variabel terikat, sedangkan sisanya 39,9% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lainnya yang tidak termasuk pada penelitian ini / Bebek Tepi Sawah Restaurant in Ubud Bali is a restaurant which is growing not only in terms of offering delicious dishes, but even further towards this search, are for a safe dining atmosphere, different tastes, even as a place for recreation. The research method used is quantitative which is carried out through distributing questionnaires to customers of Bebek Tepi Sawah Restaurant using software or statistical program assistance, namely SPSS 22.0. The sample that will be used in this research by distributing questionnaires is 125 respondents according to the characteristics that have been determined using primarydata. Based on the results of the R analysis between Service quality, Food Quality, Atmospherics, Other Customers, and Perceived Value/Price, a value of 0.712 is obtained, this means that there is a large correlation between these variables. Whereas for the variable Customer Satisfaction (CSF) on Revisit Intention shows a value of 0.516, this means that there is a fairly large correlation between these variables. The calculation results for the coefficient of determination in the first model obtained the R2 number of 0.516 or 51.6%. This shows that the variables Service Quality, Food Quality, Atmospherics, Other Customers, and Perceived Value/Price show that the independent variables can explain 51.6% of the dependent variable, while the remaining 39.9% is influenced by other variables not included in the study. this.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Raharjo, Sylvie Stefannie
Thesis advisor
Amelia, Amelia
Thesis advisor
Ronald, Ronald
Uncontrolled Keywords: antara service quality; food quality; atmospherics; other costumers; percaived value/price customer satisfaction; revisit itenation
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Management
Depositing User: Users 6014 not found.
Date Deposited: 13 Feb 2023 06:50
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2023 06:50

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